Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I have never felt God so tangible as He was to me in those two a father who loves us unconditionally. His love is so freeing and so real!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

An Obvious Subject

by Peter Brokaar

21 December 2014

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Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Luke 2:11, NIV

A work of art, which has always entertained me ever since I learnt of it, is a painting by the Belgian surrealist painter Magritte, entitled ‘the treachery of images’. It`s a very accurate representation of a pipe, with below it the words ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’ – translated ‘this is not a pipe’. Technically he`s correct- really it`s only a picture of a pipe, and not an actual pipe. However, everyone asked about it would say that it`s a pipe! So you could say that claiming it`s not a pipe is ridiculous.

Yet it`s amazing how people can do the same thing with Christmas. Somehow people seem to have the ability to read the bible stories about the birth of Christ, sing hymns about baby Jesus and even have nativity scenes with our Lord at the centre and still say: “Christmas isn`t about Christ”! Forgive me for saying it so directly, but how ridiculous is that?! Of course Christmas is about Christ!

Subtly the enemy wants the focal point of our celebration to be led away from the Son of God coming down to earth to save sinners. We all know how society has more and more introduced ideas of how to celebrate Christmas which lead us away from the rightful centre of attention. The ideals of peace on earth, love for one another, and generosity are exalted, but at the expense of worshipping the person of Jesus Christ. People will argue that Christmas doesn`t have to be about Jesus, and that it can be about things which make you feel warm inside. But I want to say that’s being stupid.

I really want to encourage us all this year to make the case for the obvious: that Christmas is all about Christ. I may yet decide to print of a picture of Magritte’s famous pipe to carry with me in aid of making the point. In keeping with this artist`s reasoning we can say it’s true that Christmas is not Christ itself, but it certainly is a celebration that`s ALL about Him!

During our annual Christmas celebration at Blairmore this year we`ve looked at how amazing the Christmas story really is; that God, in His mercy, sent His own Son in this miraculous way to save us all. As we centre on Jesus this year may we all be really impacted again about how amazing Jesus’ coming really is!

Prayer: Father in heaven, we thank You for Jesus. Please could You help us to share with other how amazing and life-changing the true subject of Christmas really is! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peter Brokaar is Director of Ellel Ministries Scotland and has been there together with his wife Liz since 2005. They have 3 kids, all born in Scotland! In his free time he likes reading, cooking, running and surfing. Being at Ellel Scotland has given him the privilege of getting to know God deeper and sharing that joy with many others.


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