Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Prayer and Intercession

Prayer & Intercession

Prayer Points Ellel Netherlands

Much of the invaluable work of undergirding Ellel Ministries in prayer comes through our network of faithfull intercessors, often joined in so called Prayer Support Groups (PSGs). For the Netherlands we have Prayer Points for intercession which you can use at home. If you have encouragements and insights from prayer feel welcome to share them with us. 

View Prayer Points Ellel Netherlands

Prayer Support Groups

There are many other towns and cities worldwide where those with a heart to intercede for Ellel Ministries meet to join together in prayer for this work. We would love to see these prayermeetings start at our Baak centre or at other places in the Netherlands too. If you have a heart for this please contact our centre.

International Prayer Calendar

If you have a heart to intercede for the world wide work of Ellel Ministries, please feel free to use the Seven Day Prayer Calendar as a guide to prayer. It provides prayer pointers for every day of the week to help structure your prayer time and covers key areas of the ministry.

Seven Day Prayer Calendar

Thank you for praying for us.