Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Prayer Support Groups

Prayer Support Groups

There are many other towns and cities worldwide where those with a heart to intercede for Ellel Ministries meet to join together in prayer for this work. We would love to see these prayermeetings start at our Baak centre or at other places in the Netherlands too. If you have a heart for this please contact contact us
No prayer support groups are currently scheduled

Prayer Points Ellel Netherlands


Update for May 2021

Thanks & Praise Points:

  • Praise God that the translation work for Explore is nearing completion.
  • Praise God for strengthening + inspiring the in-house team to teach and serve with less help from outside.
  • We thank God for four days of rest at Pentecost.
  • Praise God we are all well and are still operating with all team on site.
  • We are thankful to be continuing our Explore year and are finally up to date, after several double events.
  • Praise God we are able to host some small external events that connect us with other Christians and bring some income.
  • Thank God for ongoing team building between Explore events.
  • Praise God for our large premises, so that we are able to continue with PMAs, Encounter Days and Healing Retreat Days in smaller numbers and with social distancing.
  • Thank God we have a little time to continue some upgrading projects.
  • Praise God for warmer weather that enables us to meet and share in the garden.
  • Praise God for beautiful testimonies and for the blessing of His children in this beautiful place.

Prayer points:

  • Pray for us that we might draw closer to God in these days as He refines us for the days ahead.

  • Continue to pray for us as we look for new ways to train ministry team, and that the ministry team would continue to feel connected, even though they have less access to our guests, due to the Covid restrictions.
  • Pray that our guests would meet God more closely, even as we are more at a distance physically.
  • Please keep praying for God’s protection and creativity as the in-house team prepares to teach Explore + for the first time.
  • Pray for a lifting of restrictions so we can welcome the creativity crew from the UK and proceed with Bridge from the Head in the summer.
  • Continue to pray with us for new team members of mature character, who can join us as load bearers in the work, especially with some current team finishing in the summer …for admin, house and catering.
  • Continue to pray for wisdom for the leadership team, health and safety for our team and volunteers, and ongoing recovery for those with health issues.
  • Pray that those looking to visit family overseas will be able to travel soon.
  • Pray with us for God’s provision for all our needs, spiritually, emotionally and physically, in these unusual days.

“Something fundamental happened this weekend. I grew up without a father. He was absent even when he was there. He didn’t do anything with me. My parents did not have a good marriage, mother was often sick. I was the middle of three children, isolated, and my siblings took things out on me…. I took care of myself. A friend always prayed for me, ‘Abba, father’. It wasn’t comfortable for me but I longed to belong. My father worked hard and tried to please his wife. Today God reminded me of things and I realised how wonderful it was that on his work trips, my father always brought me a gift. When I was baptised, only my father came, he brought me flowers, he taught my oldest child checkers. He was with me in a very difficult time. My mother was angry with me, but my father embraced me. I have gained my heavenly Father, and I have re-gained my earthly father.” – Delegate, ‘Knowing God’.