Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Church Visit
After we collected feedback from the church, we summarized some of the reasons why the teaching of Ellel Ministries was so effective.... Read More...

Church Visits

Church Visits

A Church Visit is an opportunity to bring an Ellel Ministries team into your local church or regional setting. The purpose of this is to share teaching related to healing and discipleship with those in the local church and also, where applicable, to help to equip local prayer ministry teams.

The reality for many in the Church is that they are still carrying burdens from past hurts and experiences, which are hindering their walk with Jesus. God’s heart is to bring healing and restoration into these areas so that we can become the people He intended us to be and do the things He has called us to do.

At the heart of Ellel Ministries is a desire to get alongside and be a resource for the local church – helping pastors and leaders to bring the vital message of healing and discipleship to God’s people.

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The format

There is no set format for a Church Visit and each event is tailored to the particular needs of your local area. A typical Church Visit would usually consist of a one-day conference but could also include an evening meeting and/or involvement in the Sunday church services.

We would recommend holding an introductory event so that the foundation concepts of healing and discipleship can be shared and then built upon in subsequent visits. The format of each visit would depend on whether the aim was to train a prayer ministry team or to bring teaching to the general congregation. The teachings would aim to share the truth of God's Word in a way that is relevant to people's lives and could include the following topics: freedom through forgiveness, healing of emotions, release from the enemy, overcoming fear and anxiety, godly relationships, healing from trauma or ministry to marriage.

A typical Church Visit would also include a time of ministry so that people can respond to the teaching. This would normally be led from the front initially but could then be opened up for further ministry if a prayer ministry team is available.

The cost

There is no formal charge for a Church Visit and we simply ask that the hosting church(es) provide the traveling expenses, food and accommodation for the Ellel team. We would also ask that a love-offering be taken for the work of Ellel Ministries and that a table be provided so that we can bring books and other resources to sell. Some churches may choose to charge a fee for each attendee to help cover these costs. We would also encourage the hosting church(es) to prayerfully consider supporting Ellel Ministries on a regular basis through their mission's giving. 

If the visit is for a conference organised by a group of local churches, an entrance fee per person may be requested.

What next?

If you are a church leader and would like to host a church visit, or if you would like to find out more about how Ellel Ministries can resource your church, please contact your nearest Ellel Ministries centre.

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