Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
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Results per page: Displaying 1 to 10 of 22 results
Weekend Event14 FebHealing from Accidents and Traumas - Picking up the Pieces14 - 16 February 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING HEALING FOR PAST ACCIDENTS AND TRAUMAS (EXPLORE B): Sudden accidents or traumas can lead to long-term consequences in our physical body and also in our inner being. This course will explore what it really means to be broken in soul and spirit by accidents and traumas, and how the promise of Jesus to 'bind up broken hearts' can bring wonderful restoration and healing to the whole of our being. |
Weekend Event7 MarRestoring the Human Spirit - Knowing Me7 - 9 March 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandThis exciting course is all about discovering who we really are and how God alone can meet the innermost needs of our heart. The life-imparting teaching and testimonies explain the role of the human spirit and how it can be healed. |
Two Day Event14 MarLiving in my God-given Identity - Unique14 - 16 March 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING OUR GOD-GIVEN IDENTITY (EXPLORE B): In wanting to ‘fit’ into a world that demands us to conform, we often find that we hide or lose something of our own unique personhood which leaves us feeling lost, confused and unacceptable. This course seeks to help us find a renewed confidence in the uniqueness of who God made us to be. |
Weekend Event4 AprNavigating Difficult Relationships - Connected4 - 6 April 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING GOD'S DESIGN FOR RELATIONSHIPS (EXPLORE A): When God made us in His image, He made us relational human beings, created to live in dynamic relationship with both Himself as well as one another. This course will help you in finding God’s way forward for your relationships and in receiving healing from wounds inflicted through relationships in the past that were not as God intended. |
Two Day Event11 AprDiscernment – A Defence Against Deception -God's Plumbline11 - 13 April 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORE HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND AVOID DECEPTION (EXPLORE B): We live in times of much turmoil and confusion. As people have let go of God's truth, insecurity and chaos has pervaded our society. Even within the church we can get conflicting messages, unhealthy extremes and wrong teaching. This course will help you build your life on God's Word, grow in discernment and avoid and be set free from deception. |
Weekend Event2 MayOvercoming Fear and Anxiety - Sheltered2 - 4 May 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING THE ANTIDOTE TO FEAR AND ANXIETY (EXPLORE A): For many of us fear and anxiety are regular companions along our life journey. This course will share how the Lord longs to show us the freedom that is in Him when we can learn to fully trust Him and bring the worries of our heart to Him. There will be teaching on steps to finding freedom in Jesus’ name and opportunity for prayer ministry. |
Two Day Event9 MayCreative Expression and Healing - In His Image9 - 11 May 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING THROUGH CREATIVE EXPRESSION (EXPLORE B): Many of us today have lost ourselves in the busy-ness of life. Come and take this rare opportunity to ‘be’ rather than ‘do’, experiencing God’s healing heart through a variety of creative workshops as He helps you rediscover you! Enjoy great fellowship too as His family together, breaking down isolation, fears and loneliness. |
Weekend13 JunHealing Workshop13 - 15 June 2025 (Fri - Sun) at Ellel NederlandEXPLORING MINISTRY PRACTICE (EXPLORE A & B SCHOOL).
This course is not available for outside guests.
This course is only for EXPLORE A Students and B School Students, as completion of their year. |
One Week Event4 JulBridge from the Head to the Heart4 - 11 July 2025 (Fri - Fri) at Ellel NederlandFor everyone who knows the love of God but longs for it to reach the depths of their heart. Mixes inspirational teaching and creative workshops to bring healing from Jesus. |
Longer/Variable19 JulPractical Prayer Ministry Training19 - 27 July 2025 (Sat - Sun) at Ellel NederlandLearning how to help people more effectively through prayer ministry
Knowing how to pray effectively into a person’s healing needs is a vital key to helping people move forward into freedom. Yet people are complex beings and their healing needs often seem just as complex. It can be hard to know where to start untangling the issues, what to pray for first or even how to pray at all.
This course aims to equip Christians to minister more effectively to friends, family or people in their local church by providing a cohesive and comprehensive overview of the common needs you are likely to come across. Drawing together over thirty years of Ellel’s personal ministry experience, this course teaches you not just the theory but, more importantly, the value and significance of praying in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Mixed with the teaching will be practical workshops for case-studies as well as Q&A times, demonstration ministry and supervised practical hands-on ministry workshops; all aimed at providing a thorough exploration of the healing ministry.
Whether you are wanting to be a more effective member of your church prayer ministry team, you are supporting someone in need, or you just want to see what the healing ministry is all about, this course seeks to further equip you for your service to the Lord through prayer ministry.
Full Calendar of Events
Results per page: Displaying 1 to 10 of 22 results