Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...
10 Weekends per Year

13 September 2024 -
15 June 2025
(Fri - Sun)


Ellel Nederland

Call for help or info
+31 575 441 452


Whoever finds me finds life. Proverbs 8:35a

There is a deep cry in each of our hearts to truly connect with God, to discover His amazing love personally and to allow Him to transform our lives so that we can follow Him without restraint. If this echoes the cry of your own heart or you desire to help others to discover this for themselves, then EXPLORE is for you!


What is EXPLORE?

 EXPLORE is a series of weekend courses designed to train and equip God’s people through a journey of transformation. Ellel Ministries aims to bring Word and Spirit together in the application of teaching and ministry.

Together we will find that there is hope and help for the issues we struggle with in everyday life - issues of anxiety, stress, physical pain, emotional distress, problems in relationships, addictive behaviour and depression to name just a few. We will also discover what it really means to live with God in a closer relationship, and for God as part of His Kingdom family.

Those who journey through EXPLORE will also be equipped with keys in healing and discipleship to help meet the needs of others.

Each of the events in the series will include time for worship, biblical teaching, group discussion, activities, opportunity for prayer ministry, personal reflection and fellowship.


Who is EXPLORE for?

EXPLORE is for anyone who…

  • desires a deeper, closer and more meaningful relationship with God
  • knows there are issues in their life which are holding them back
  • wants to understand God’s plan for their own life so they can walk in it
  • wants to grow in their understanding of healing so that they can help others

It is for people aged 18 to 118! It is for new Christians or those who have been Christians for decades. It does not require any qualifications... all you need is a heart open to the Lord.


The ten Weekend Courses of EXPLORE B

  • The Family Business
    Exploring what it means to Live in the Kingdom of God
  • Rewired
    Exploring Beliefs and Behaviours
  • Deliver us from Evil
    Exploring the Snares of the Enemy
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    Exploring how to Deal with Difficult Emotions
  • Godly Sexuality
    Exploring God’s Design for Sexuality and its Expression
  • Picking up the Pieces
    Exploring Healing for Past Accidents and Traumas
  • In His Image
    Exploring Healing through Creative Expression
  • Unique
    Exploring our God-Given Identity
  • God's Plumbline
    Exploring how to Recognise and Avoid Deception
  • Healing Workshop
    Exploring Ministry Practice. A practical workshop where those who attend have an opportunity to both give and receive ministry from fellow guests on EXPLORE alongside our Ministry Team.


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Getting There Booking Options
[EUR] Euro
Shared room and facilities 2-3 people
Non-residential (includes lunch and teaching notes)
Two Shared with Discount
Two Double with Discount
Two single with discount
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Event Availability
Click on an event date to see prices and accommodation options at other centres... This event is not scheduled right now. Further dates to be confirmed.