God’s Plans and Purposes for my Life - The Family Business

Exploring what it means to Live in the Kingdom of God

God ordained the design of His family to be an oasis of security, strength and healing. Understanding the divine principles of God’s family is essential to understanding our place within our own family, our church and as well our broader Christian journey with one another.

The parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, were in great distress when they thought they’d lost Jesus aged 12 years. When they found Him in the temple He simply replied, ‘Did you not know I must be about my Father’s business?’

Since we have been ‘born-again’ into God’s family, then regardless of our background, skills or qualifications, we are destined to be a full and active member in His family – and also to play our part in His family business! But what does that really mean, and do we believe we have a part to play?

This course will uncover what it means to be in God’s family and how we can grow and flourish in that place of belonging and rest. It will look at what it means to share in His work, pray His family prayer and draw strength from the family for our everyday lives. We will consider what the hallmarks of being in the family business are and what we can offer in our service of Him. The course will also give an eternal perspective on this great privilege we have, will draw us closer to the heart of God, show us our place in God’s plan and inspire us to play our part in God’s Kingdom purposes.