Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...
One week

20 - 28 July 2024
(Sat - Sun)


Ellel Nederland

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Explore Plus

Explore + is by invitation only. Please register your interest here.

Explore +

Explore + is the final part of the Explore programme and is for those who have completed Explore A and B* and want to learn how to minister more effectively to others. It is held over a 9-day period and is designed to be very interactive and practical.

There will be recaps of key principles from Explore A and B, new teachings, case studies, demonstration ministry, group discussions and a ministry workshop. Those on Explore + will also have an opportunity to minister to guests on a one-day course alongside members of our experienced ministry team. The focus of the course is on the how-to of prayer ministry and during the course we will help apply all that has been taught in Explore A and B, and equip you to confidently pray for others.

*Explore + is by invitation only. Please register your interest here. Please note that to attend Explore + you must have completed 6 or more of the Explore A courses, 6 or more of the Explore B courses and at least one of the Healing Workshops.

Costs for Explore +
Single Room              €745
Double Room            €645
Shared Room            €525
Full Time Student      €330
Non-Residential        €390

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Fulltime Student (Shared Room Only)
Non-residential (includes all meals & tuition)
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