Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

Truly You are the Son of God

by Anne Lawrence

25 January 2015

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And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying “Be of good cheer! It is I: do not be afraid”.
Matthew 15:26b-27a, NKJV

Sometimes when we’re facing difficulties and we’re struggling with life, it’s hard to work out what’s of the Lord and what’s of the enemy. We’re often looking at the circumstances without being able to see the bigger picture.

That’s what it was like for the disciples. Jesus sent them to the other side of the lake in a boat. It had already been very eventful, with the feeding of the five thousand. They were on a high I’m sure. Now they were tired and sent to the other side of the lake, not knowing what to expect. When the disciples were in the boat, the waters got choppy. It was night, and so they couldn’t really see. With this as the backdrop, the disciples on an emotional high, now tired and struggling with a boat in the stormy waters in the dark, they saw a figure walking on the water. They looked, saw a ‘ghost’ and were afraid. In this backdrop of struggling and darkness it looked like a ghost and they reacted with fear.

However, in reality it was Jesus. It was Him walking on the water. He had not forgotten them or abandoned them. He was watching over them. He came near as they cried out. He encouraged them, and later calmed the winds and the storm.

He was also disappointed about their lack of faith. They’d spent some time with Him by then. But He still rescued them and calmed the storm.

Why did He allow it to happen? It’s a question we often ask. “Why Lord?”

What we see is that as a result of Jesus’ intervention, ‘those who were in the boat came and worshipped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” In other words, they saw the true majesty of God in Jesus and He received the glory. Often the things He does in our lives bring glory to His name, and draw us closer to Him - His true character and nature.

David says in Psalm 24 ‘My eyes are ever toward the Lord. For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.’ Let’s choose to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord – not on the circumstances, or the fears that surround them. He’s working in our circumstances to bring glory to His name and to draw us to Himself.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You that You are always watching over me. I acknowledge that Your ways are higher than my ways and that I don’t always understand all that You’re doing in my circumstances. Help me to keep my eyes ever towards You, Lord, and help me to trust You in all my circumstances. Thank You for Your faithfulness. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Anne Lawrence joined the team at Ellel Grange in 2010 and is the Deputy Centre Director. She is married to Paul, Centre Director. Anne previously worked in education. Her last post was CEO of a College in Dublin. She has written courses, syllabi and a book for the English for Work series published by Longman. She has a heart for the broken and a passion to see people set free and released into more of what the Lord has for them. She loves to teach, listen, worship and create things.


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