Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Get Involved

Get Involved

There are lots of ways in which you can join with us in the work of Ellel Ministries. We are always encouraged when God prompts someone to support us - whether it is in prayer, practical commitment or with financial gifts. Here are some ways that you can help...

Practical Help

At our Baak Centre there are ongoing practical tasks and projects to run and improve our facilities. If you are able to offer some of your time and skills to help us with this it is always very much appreciated. Please contact us for more details of the many different ways you could assist us. Examples might include help with the gardens, maintenance of buildings inside and out, sound engineering, catering, housekeeping, IT, administration, expert advice, plumbing... you fill in the gaps!

If you have on your heart to consider working with Ellel Ministries full time, see full-time-vacancies and contact us.

Prayer Support

Prayer support is, and always has been a vital part of the support of Ellel Ministries. If you have on your heart to regularly pray for our work in the Netherlands, we invite you to have a look at our Points for Prayer and Intercession. If you are interested in forming a Prayer Support Group for regular prayer meetings at our Baak Centre please contact us. We also have a Seven Day Prayer Calendar for those with a heart to pray for the world-wide work of Ellel Ministries.

Young People Flourish!

If you are a committed Christian aged between 18 and 25 and feel that God is calling you to take a year out to get trained as a disciple of Jesus and to serve Him, why not apply for FLOURISH!, our Year of Discipleship in the Netherlands. We look forward to taking you on the journey!


Financial Gifts

Financial gifts make a big difference. Ways to support Ellel Ministries financially include...

  • Making a one-off gift
  • Supporting Ellel International with regular monthly gifts by becoming a 'Partner in Mission'
  • Leaving a legacy to Ellel Ministries in your will
  • Sponsoring a student on a longer-term training programme
  • Supporting your local centre with regular monthly gifts

Find out more about financial giving here.