Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...
One Day Event

27 July 2024


Ellel Nederland

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Open Day - Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Burnout

Do you feel weighed down by stress and anxiety or wonder if you are close to burnout? If so, this day is for you. 

This much-needed day will help you to find the true peace you are searching for, which comes only from Jesus. It looks at the root causes of anxiety and stress and how these can be dealt with through healing and prayer ministry. Biblical principles are also given to show how we can handle stressful relationships and situations in a godly way. 

Teaching includes the following:

Understanding of stress, anxiety and burnout

Stress and anxiety is a common topic of discussion in our society as reports have indicated that 3 out of 10 people suffer from stress at work.  All of us possibly know of someone who has been unable to cope with a stressful situation and the consequences following.

Causes and symptoms of stress and anxiety

Change, conflict, loss, expectations of others and bereavement are just a few of the many pressures of modern life. As these become too great to handle, the whole person is affected and there are changes in the way we think, feel, behave and relate to others.

Healing for stress, anxiety and burnout

Learn to identify the root causes of your stress and anxiety and how to bring these to the Lord for healing.  

In the final session, there will be time for Q & A.

After each session, there will be opportunity for prayer.

The Open Day will start at 10am and finish around 4pm with a buffet style lunch served around 1pm.

During the Open Day, you are our guest. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided at no cost. Please register for the Open Day for catering purposes either through using the "Book Online" button, via email or by phoning 0575 441 452 (Tue to Fri, 9am to 1pm).

We are looking forward to welcoming you,

Marc and Margaret Schuthof

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Praktische informatie

Mogelijkheid voor vertaling

 Als u vertaling nodig heeft van Engels naar Nederlands of Nederlands naar Engels, geef dit dan aan in uw boeking, onder 'opmerkingen'.



We streven ernaar om een ​​gezonde en vers bereide maaltijd aan te bieden. Helaas kunnen wij op dit moment geen rekening houden met speciale diëten. Wel kunt u uw eigen levensmiddelen meenemen.



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