Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Mouse and the Elephant

by Linda Fode

2 February 2013

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“For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given and the government will be on His shoulders and He will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”.
Isaiah 9:6, NIV

One day last week in the early morning hours I awoke with a scripture verse going through my mind. This is a frequent occurrence for me but never has it been Isaiah 9:6. I occasionally think about this verse, especially at Christmas, but I have never really pondered those words in any deliberate way.

Being restless, unable to sleep, and somewhat anxious in the pre-dawn hours, I let those names of Jesus wash over me. As I did, I sensed the Lord speaking: “Linda, pray about those titles for those three young men you have on your heart. Pray that they would experience Me in all those ways.”

I have been praying for three young married men. All are committed to Jesus, wanting Kingdom reality in their lives but also feeling overwhelmed by challenges they are facing, especially in their businesses. They need to know, as do all of us, the reality of the One who dwells within. They need to know the truth of 2 Peter 1:3 that His divine Power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him.

Here is a story that Dutch Sheets tells:

A mouse and an elephant were best friends. They hung out together all the time, the mouse riding on the elephant’s back. One day they crossed a wooden bridge causing it to bow, creak and sway under their combined weight. After they were across, the mouse impressed by their ability to make such an impact said to the elephant, “We sure shook up that bridge, didn’t we?”

There are several lessons that can be taken from this story. We could call the mouse arrogant or naïve or even prideful. But I think the point is that the mouse didn’t see or understand how big or powerful his friend was. If he really knew, perhaps he would have been afraid. He may have run away from the elephant.

We may know Jesus as Friend. We may know Him as Comforter. My experience is that I continue to learn of His love, and know Him as Everlasting Father, but there are many ways in which He’s still too big for me. I sometimes retreat to more manageable and safer images of Him.

What about you? How have you experienced Jesus? Are you experiencing the ‘everything for life and godliness’ promised in 2 Peter 1:3? Do you need counsel or a miraculous touch from God today? Do you have a situation that’s impossible to solve apart from the intervention of Almighty God? Where is He growing you in the knowledge of Himself that empowers and frees?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank You for who You are and all You have done for me. I want to know You more. I trust You with the journey and all that it will require. Amen.

Linda Fode and her husband Allen were the founding directors of Ellel Ministries Canada West. They stepped down from that position in October 2012. Linda’s passion is to mentor people in their relationship with the Father and to release them into their destiny in God.


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