Stay Close to Jesus
by Margaret Silvester
When the first disciples made their decision to follow Jesus, it would be a life choice. Turning back would not have been part of the commitment. It seems sad that, as Jesus was on His long journey to the cross, all the disciples, apart from Peter, deserted him and fled. Peter followed Jesus at a distance, careful not to be identified with someone on their way to be crucified. Sadly, he denied even knowing Jesus.
As Jesus was about to ascend to heaven after the victory of the cross and resurrection, His command to His disciples was to go and make disciples of every nation. Unless we are true disciples of Jesus, we will find it virtually impossible to make other disciples. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to make believers. Our part in the calling is to make disciples.
Does our closeness to Jesus in this calling affect our success in the process? When the going became rough, fearful, and caused anxiety for the first disciples, apart from Peter, they all deserted Jesus. Peter seems to have decided not to get too close, but followed Jesus at a distance and found himself in the high priest’s courtyard, where he failed Jesus badly.
The closer we are to Jesus, the more we will love Him, and His perfect love will motivate our lives. In our own strength we can appear to be successful, but it is only the work of the Holy Spirit through us that will last for eternity. Intimacy with Jesus fills us not simply with His wonderful, encouraging presence, but also with the nine fruits of the Spirit, which change the wrong heart attitudes of the old nature (Galatians 5:22-25).
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