Rubbish to Clear?
by Emma Cottrell
A little while ago I was with a group of people picking up rubbish. Not something I expected to be doing, and when I heard we were going to be doing this for an hour, I was quick to be thinking of excuses to not participate in this part of the day, after all I did have some work to do!
Yet when we arrived in this once beautiful forestry area, and listened to two men, who head up a ministry clearing rubbish off different areas of land to help restore it to its original beauty, I couldn’t help but be moved.
So, after being given gloves and black bags, about thirty of us set to work picking rubbish up within this area, which had been used for a period of time as a dumping ground. Some of the rubbish was deeply embedded in the land, some was decaying, and some was fresh litter that had been dropped or dumped more recently.
It’s amazing how much rubbish thirty people can clear. The local people couldn’t understand why we were caring about what had become a dumping ground, but then, out of nowhere, a van and two environmental people arrived to help.
Isn’t that how we can feel sometimes? Nobody cares about our pain, our rubbish, our hurts inside. We can feel alone. The Lord reminded me at that moment that, once we make a step, a choice to clear the rubbish in our life, then He can send others, intervene, move, and bring His healing.
Clearing the ground in this forest was leaving behind the fragrance of Jesus. The forest’s beauty in that area has begun to be restored. It was always there, but hidden, and held back by the rubbish. There’s now room for growth, and new life. I passed this area recently, and it was beautiful to see children playing, enjoying picnics and waving flags. Isn’t that a picture of what Jesus wants for us? Are we full of the fragrance of Jesus today? Are we a life-giving perfume?
Prayer: Father in heaven, thank You for who You are. Thank You that You love me unconditionally, and want the best for me. Please come and show me any rubbish You want to clear out of my life today, whether it’s been firmly embedded for a long time, or something that’s very recent. I give You permission to come and search my heart, and I choose to bring the area You show me to You. Please forgive me for where I’ve allowed rubbish in, and for where it’s stopped the growth You desire for me. Father, please fill me with Your fragrance, and help me to be Your life-giving perfume in this darkened world. Amen.
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