Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

No Longer a Victim

by Mary-Lou Gregoire

8 December 2015

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The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly
John 10:10, NKJV

This last year has been an amazingly painful and difficult year in so many ways. There have been many times that I have been challenged to the core of my being, and an equal amount of times when I have simply wanted to give up. It has been a year with so many twists and turns, and on ground that has seemed to move with every step I have taken. It has seemed as though I have been taken from the extremes of solid faith to unbelief in one breath.

Although I have worked very hard at staying close to the Lord, keeping short accounts, and seeking Him in my times of trouble, I have often fallen short and known the stealing of the enemy in my life.

Then one night, as I got home late from work, I was verbally and physically assaulted by a lady walking her dog. I had encountered this lady a couple of weeks previously, but was very shocked when I came under a barrage of abuse. I ended up calling the police, who were very quick to respond. But, by the time they came, the lady and her dog had left the vicinity and couldn’t be found. Two female officers took a statement and said that they would make some enquiries. During the night and the next day I noticed that I was very alert and aware of people, almost a little fearful. I got someone to pray with me when I came into work, and all started to get back to normal.

I was a bit taken a back with the impact this event had had on me, but when I started to put it into context with the rest of the year I realised just how much of a field day the enemy had been having.

Although I had been walking with, and trusting in the Lord, for many things over this year, I had also subtly allowed the enemy to steal from me. I soon saw that I had taken on a label of ‘victim’, so I began a difficult process of forgiveness, confession and repentance. When an email came from ‘victim support’ I realised that Jesus had taken that label from me. I was able to write them an email thanking them for their offer of support, but that I was OK and didn’t sense I was a victim. Wow what a turn around!

As our scripture today clearly says it is the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. So if you are feeling worn down or beaten by your circumstances, situation or other people’s actions you can be sure that enemy is at work. Stand firm and look to Jesus. Trust in Him, hold on to Him, and cry out to Him.

For it is in Him, and Him alone, that we can have life. More than that, Jesus says He has come ‘that they may have it (life) more abundantly’. I encourage you to allow Him to take off you ‘victim’ label, and take hold of the abundance of life that can only come from Jesus. It is worth it!

Prayer: Father, thank You so much that You sent Your Son so that I might be free. I recognise today that I have allowed the enemy to steal from me. I am sorry that I have allowed the enemy to label me a victim. But today I choose to allow You to peel off that label. I choose to take hold of the abundant life that only You can give me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mary-Lou Gregoire Has worked full time for Ellel Ministries at Glyndley Manor since 2011. Currently she enjoys the role of being the Ministry Manager as well as being part of the Teaching Team. Having walked a significant journey of healing from death into life her passion is to see Jesus “heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds”. In her spare time Mary-Lou enjoys Photography, growing vegetables, reading, playing the saxophone, being creative and walking with Henry her dog.


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