Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom


by Ron Scurfield

19 December 2022

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She [Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21, NIV

Mary, this baby boy you so lovingly cradle in your arms, tender and innocent, radiant and pure, is a blessing in human form from God Himself. He will perform great and mighty deeds, the likes of which you can never imagine, and wondrous works beyond the power of human understanding. From humble beginnings He will unveil eternity. He will command storms to be still and walk on the waves, and all who seek Him will know His peace.

The eyes of the world will see His glory. Blind eyes will see His love and compassion. As you look lovingly into the eyes of your child, you are gazing upon the face of the Father. He has walked with angels on the streets of heaven, but will tread a pathway of sorrow and grief. He will not flinch from His calling. As you have delivered him into the world, so He will deliver the world from the bondage of sin.

Your caresses upon His brow are like the trickling of a gurgling mountain stream, flowing gently from its source to its appointed destination, like the fingers of His love for the world and redemption for the lost. The dumb will sing praises to God in the face of their affliction.

Do you know that this perfect child nestled so peacefully in your arms is Heaven’s perfect Lamb, spotless and pure? Yet He will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and to Him every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess, “He is the Lord”, the Lord of all creation, as He was from the beginning. Now He is the beginning of all things new. He is the Lord of life. Death will not hold Him, and, at His command, death shall die.

So peaceful, so blissful, so lovely! Enjoy His love and joy while you are able, Mary, for one day He will be taken from you and scourged mercilessly. But the Lord of creation will triumph over the Prince of Darkness, and He will rise again to the glory of God.

The lame will leap, and the downtrodden will rise up. His blissful face and loving smile are yours to cherish. Cling to them, Mary, for they will be your comfort when all seems lost.

As the shepherds come to pay homage, and the kings come to worship, bearing gifts, so will all heaven praise the Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world. Hold Him close, Mary. Hold Him dear. Let your love be His mantle, and cherish these precious times, before darkness covers the earth.

As sure as the rising sun in the morning displaces the darkness of the night, the glory of the Lord, the King of kings, will cover the whole earth. And the overwhelming love welling up in your heart will be shared by all who walk in His Light. You shall be forever blessed. No one in the world, Mary, only you, will know that you kissed and caressed the face of God.

Ron Scurfield with his wife Jill, are part of the Associate Ministry Team at Ellel Grange and occasionally Ellel Scotland. Ron enjoys walking and writing and meeting interesting people, but his greatest joy is seeing God transform lives, setting people free to live the abundant life that Jesus intended.


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