Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom


by Katrin Huehne

You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself
an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath
or in the waters below.
Exodus 20:3-4, NIV

I grew up in East Germany during communism. One thing you did at that time, if you had enough space in your house or flat, was to keep almost everything, because you never knew when you would need it. This was because a lot of things were in short supply, and so it was handy to keep things, just in case you needed to improvise. So storing things actually was very useful. I remember keeping lots of things in the attic at my parent’s house, and then I ended up not even looking at the items for many years. Eventually I didn’t even know what was stored there.

At one of the Modular A courses I attended last year the Lord reminded me of all these stored boxes. In these boxes were hidden things from and about the Communist era and the Lord asked me to deal with them. My hidden idols were things like schoolbooks, certificates, and awards from that time. I kept them as mementos of that period in my life. Even though I didn’t agree with communism and what it represented, I still kept all the items. Most of the items were from the Communist ideology, which meant they weren’t pleasing to God at all.

I started to understand that Communism isn’t just a political system. It’s a false religion. What I didn’t realise was that, by keeping all those things, I was giving the enemy a foothold in my life. I had to get rid of everything, and the Lord asked me to destroy them. By doing this I was proclaiming into the heavenly realms that the idols have gone.

The Lord is very clear in His Word. ‘You shall not have other gods, and you shall not make idols or keep idols’. For me it was things from my growing up years. But idols can be different things in people’s lives that they’re holding on to. Certainly they can be everything that’s related or connected to false religions. Yet even hero worshipping celebrities or musicians can become an idol too.

My question today is: “Have you got some hidden idols in your life kept in
boxes or on shelves that you need to get rid of? Ask the Lord to speak to you about that today. ‘You shall have no other Gods before me’ is a very clear commandment.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your commandments that are given to us for guidance in our life. Lord, I ask You to show me if I`ve any hidden idols in my life that I have to deal with. Help me to make a clear proclamation into the spiritual realms by destroying everything that’s not pleasing to You. In Your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Katrin Huehne joined the Ellel Grange team in 2013 and enjoys serving the Lord there as the Kitchen Manager. She likes to train new team in the kitchen and is excited to see young people learn to fly. Last year she started the Modular school which is a life changing experience in so many different ways for her. Her heart is to be a part of the team preparing a place for people to feel welcomed & loved so that they are able and open to meet with the Lord.


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