Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
The whole course is exceptional very relevant to me. I have gone away with a lot to think about. I have learnt that I don't have just to cope and be so independent. God is good & loves me, even me!.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

All Welcome

by Malcolm Wood

13 September 2016

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And he (Jesus) welcomed them, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and curing those who were ill.
Luke 9:11, NLT

Many readers of Seeds of the Kingdom will be familiar with the bible verse for today. As a foundational verse of the ministry of Ellel Ministries it’s remained a source of inspiration and motivation at the core of all that’s done throughout our work, worldwide. Endeavouring to remain true to the three aspects of this verse; to welcome, teach, and heal; and also following the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit, has enabled Ellel Ministries to become what it is today.

The other day I went past a notice outside a dental surgery which read ‘All patients welcome’. If there’d been such things in those days, this could so easily have been a notice displayed in the places around Galilee, where the crowds gathered to listen to Jesus teach. No one was turned away, although some, for one reason or another, chose to turn away. Jesus knew exactly what each of those coming to him needed, (even if they didn’t know themselves), and was able to heal their diseases.

Jesus is still the same today. He still heals today. It doesn’t matter what our problem is, whether it’s psychological, emotional or physical in nature. We, as human beings, consist of body, soul and spirit, and can be at ‘dis-ease’ in any one of these areas, which can affect the other areas. The good news is that Jesus has the answer to make us whole again. As long as we’re willing to come to Him with our need, and submit to His rule and authority in our lives, which may mean a change, or readjustment, in attitudes, thoughts, activities, or lifestyle, then He can heal. The psalmist could say ‘He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases’ (Psalm 103:3).

The wonderful thing is Jesus does welcome all. No matter who we are, where we’ve been, what we’ve done, no restrictions, no discrimination. Whatever the nature of our problem, no problem is too big, no problem is too small for Him. As we read in Luke 1:37 ‘Nothing is impossible with God’.

These days God often uses the knowledge, skills and abilities of the medical profession to help bring healing and relief to suffering. But as we come to Jesus today, know you won’t be put on a waiting list, (although I do think that the crowds meeting Jesus in Galilee would have had to queue to see Him). With Jesus there’ll be no appointments, and no referrals to clinics, or specialists.

So, as we hold on to God’s promise found in Exodus 15:26 ‘I am the Lord who heals you’, remember that, with Jesus, all are welcome.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that we’re always welcome with You, and that You’re always there for us, and can help us in our need. Please help us to trust You more for the healing that we need in body soul and spirit. Amen.

Malcolm Wood and his wife Anna became part of the Ellel family as House Managers at Ellel Grange in 1990. Since then they have been involved with many aspects of the developing Ministry. From 2001 until 2015 they were Directors of Ellel Scotland where they hosted several International Schools and Operation Blairmore and helped pioneer the exciting Creative Inspiration Weeks. They have three sons.


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