A Marvellous Structure
by Pam Smith
As we go about our business in the world we can realise who we are in Jesus, and what we are part of, and called to.
I am reminded this morning of just who I am. We who believe are carefully joined together with Christ as parts of a beautiful, constantly growing temple for God; ‘And you also are joined with Him and with each other by the Spirit, and are part of this dwelling place for God’ (Ephesians 2:22).
If we could only remember exactly what it is we’re taking with us into places, and who we speak for, (even if it’s just going to the shops with the children). We are the building of God!
Three men were building St Paul’s Cathedral. When one was asked what he was doing he said he was shaping a stone. The second said that he was building a wall. But the third said he was building a cathedral. He had the full vision of what he was doing,
Many people in the world wonder what we (the Church without walls) are doing. They are watching us. They are seeing a building going up, but are they seeing His Kingdom coming on earth and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven? They are watching us closely to see if our lives are different from theirs and if Christ is alive in us. Let’s live as if we are building a temple. Let’s be those living stones, and let’s be like Jesus to the world.
Prayer: Lord, As I go out today may I be aware of who I am in You. May I speak to the people I meet as if I do it through You . Help me to bring Your wisdom and love, and to do Your will on each place I tread, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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