In-Depth Training
Our longer training programmes are designed to suit you, whatever your availability, from online training in the comfort of your home, to a series of weekends on the Modular School, or residential training on Flagship or NETS.
Each one will give you a deeper understanding of biblical truth and teach you practical keys for healing and discipleship. Applying these truths and keys in your life will open the way for you to be released, by the work of the Holy Spirit, from those things which have previously held you back. As a result you will find you are able to live your Christian life in true freedom, through Jesus Christ.
The Modular School
The Modular School is a series of weekend courses which has proved over many years to be a unique and life-transforming experience. It is the "gold standard" of the Ellel Ministries teaching and it is available at most of our centres worldwide. Suitable for those seeking healing for themselves, as well as those requiring training to equip them to help others effectively. There is opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry on each course. Modular A and B are each a series of ten weekend courses and each takes a year to complete. Completion of Modular A and B is equivalent to the Flagship Programme or Stage 1 of NETS.
The Flagship Programme
The Flagship Programme is Ellel Ministries' premier training programme, which includes all of the core teaching of the ministry. It is a 9-week period of dynamic, interactive training, drawing on many years of ministry and teaching experience. It includes opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry as well as practical experience in ministering to others. Thousands have testified to the dramatic impact the biblical and practical teaching has had on their lives and ministries. The Flagship is a concentrated ‘stand alone’ training programme which can also fit neatly into a package of other worldwide training opportunities. Completion of the Flagship Programme is equivalent to completion of Modular A and B or Stage 1 of NETS.
The NETS Programme
NETS is a comprehensive, residential programme run in four ten-week stages at Ellel Pierrepont. Stage 1 is equivalent to the teaching content of Modular A and B. Stages 2 to 4 build on Stage 1 and include more in-depth training, practical experience in ministering to those in need, missions opportunities and teacher training. NETS includes opportunity to receive some personal prayer ministry as you apply the teaching received. Many, many NETS graduates all around the world have testified to the life-transforming work the Lord has done in their lives through NETS. Some have said that NETS has meant for them, ‘Never Ever The Same’! Students may choose to complete as many stages as they wish, from just the first stage to all four. Completing all four stages will take one year.
Prayer Ministry Skills
Prayer Ministry Skills is a series of weekend courses which will teach you how to pray into root issues, not just the presenting symptoms. You receive training, experience and confidence to minister in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit. Personal prayer ministry is not included, except as part of group training sessions. You will come away with a fresh vision for the hurting and broken and better equipped to follow the call of God on your life to bring the compassionate love and healing of Jesus.
Ellel 365
Ellel 365 is a dynamic online training resource which has brought hope and healing to literally thousands of lives. Providing a whole year’s worth of biblical teaching by Peter Horrobin, this very clear and relevant healing and discipleship programme is divided into 52 weekly modules - available online - to view or to download and print out. You can enjoy them daily, or pause your account and take as much time as you need. You also receive audio and DVD teaching material with Ellel 365.