Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

The Big Picture

Exploring God's Foundations for Life

All of us are born with questions about life and eternity etched deep in our hearts. We have a God-given need to find out why we are here on earth and what life is meant to be all about. In today’s fast-changing world, full of confusing voices, this need for solid truth to build our lives on is even more necessary than ever.

This course answers life’s foundational questions from a solid biblical perspective - perhaps in a way that you have never heard God’s story explained before. We will look at the sweep of history from the early days in Genesis until the Lord’s return in Revelation. You will understand better where we come from, how humankind got to be in this mess and perhaps most importantly, you will understand more of God’s amazing rescue plan for humankind. Not only has God saved you, He also wants to heal you and set you on the right course to fulfil His destiny purpose for our lives! The Big Picture will help you lay hold of God’s plan for your life and we trust it will be a catalyst for you to start being released with ‘strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!’

Event Details

We start with Breakfast at 8:00am on the 7th May 2022. Those who would like to come the previous day please let us know. There will be an extra cost to come on the previous day.

Registration will be at 9:00am and the course begins at 9:30am. This course Explore A1 (The Big Picture) is coupled with the next Explore A2 course (Knowing God).

Bedsheets will be provided however if you would like to bring your own you could do so.

If you have never been to Sataygiri, once you have registerred you could ask us the details of how to get to Satyagiri.

Since we are hiring this premises we are unable to cater for different diets. If you have any other special requirements please bring your own supplies as appropriate to supplement what you can eat of the provided meal.


Due to the sensitive nature of our courses we do not allow any children under 18 years into the teaching venues or on any courses. Hence we would request that Children not to be present while the teaching is in progress.

If you need any other details please feel free to contact us with any questions.

*Ellel Ministries is an organisation with the primary purpose of teaching the principles and practice of traditional biblical Christianity.

Please remember to bring:

  • A Bible

  • Note book - notes will be provided but you may like to make additional ones

  • Pen

Rs. 1,500/- per person

To register please click HERE

Booking: Full payment is required to secure your booking.

Booking Option:

Please do an NEFT transfer to the following Bank account.

Bank Details for Online Transfer:
Account No: 04107620000021

Contact Number: +91-7208717409

You could even scan the QR code below for the payment:

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