Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Micro Modular

Have you been prayed for repeatedly for the same issue and yet it never seems to shift or do you feel like you've been going round and round in circles without any lasting freedom?

Maybe you've found that a simple prayer works temporarily, but the problem keeps cropping up? We have found that people can come for prayer with a problem they have had for many years and - though they try - they seem unable to shake it. Though the symptom might temporarily go away, it seems to repeatedly come back. We believe this is because the root of the problem has not been dealt with and unearthed.

Imagine a tree. If the roots are planted in unhealthy and damaged soil then there will be bad fruit. Some bad "fruit" can be jealousy, inability to commit, addictions, and even physical sickness. These issues are not the deepest problem, but rather are an outlet of expression of a deeper problem - the root. If someone has received much prayer for a problem yet it still remains, there could be a deeper seated root.

God knows the foundations of your being and the key areas that have affected your life, and on this course you will learn how to get to the bottom of life's issues. Only when God goes to the root of the problem and brings healing will you truly be free from the fruits that plague your life.

This course will be a great tool for pastors, to help them minister to their people at a greater depth.

Who can Attend Micro Modular A?:

  • Those who have never attended a deep-level healng course
  • Those who have issues in the above mentioned areas

This special course gives an opportunity for teaching and ministry into areas such as:

Foundation Of Healing, Forgiveness, Acceptance & Belonging, Lordship Of Jesus & The Holy Spirit, Generational Iniquity, Relationships & Soulties, Sex & Sexuality Part 1, Inner Healing & Emotional Wholeness, Restoration & Walking In The Healing

Who can Attend Micro Modular B?:

Those who have attended the 5 Day Healing workshop, GTTR Part A, Micro Modular A.

This special course gives an opportunity for teaching and ministry into areas such as:

Introduction To The Healing Ministry, The Spiritual Realms, Dealing with Emotional Pain, How demons gain access, Consequences of Idolatry, Healing for the Abused, Freedom from Fear & Anxiety, Sex & Sexuality - Part 2, Possible Causes Of Inner Damage, Belief Systems, Defence Mechanisms & Behavior Cycles, Healing for the victims of Accident & Trauma, Handling Anger, Restoring the Human spirit & Into the Battle & Communion

Been on this course? Share your testimony

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