Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Healing Retreat Old

A Healing Retreat may be of benefit whether you are looking for the Lord to bring physical healing or help with emotional, identity struggles. The work of Ellel Ministries began with offering Healing Retreats to people in need of help and these free events are still at the heart of our ministry. The Bible brings us the life-giving message of hope that God is able and willing to meet all our needs, no matter how desperate they may seem. In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus quotes part of the Old Testament saying:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favour has come." Luke 4:18-19.

What is a Healing Retreat?

Healing Retreats take place at all Ellel centres. A Healing Retreat is a special 1 day opportunity to receive personal prayer ministry. During a Retreat there are times of praise and worship, teaching sessions and opportunities to receive individual prayer ministry in a safe and loving environment. We have seen the Lord work in amazing ways through the whole experience of the Retreat - from the teaching to the ministry to the time spent.

What is the teaching content?

During a Healing Retreat, the times of teaching cover biblical principles which are keys to receiving healing for body, soul and spirit.

Teaching will cover:

  • The importance of getting to the root of the problem
  • How we are made
  • Forgiveness
  • Acceptance
  • Lordship of Jesus and The Holy Spirit
  • Restoration
  • Walking in the healing

What will the times of prayer involve?

Your time for prayer ministry is time for you to be real - to share your heart and your struggles with your ministry team. It is a safe, loving environment where there will be no judgement or criticism. Personal sharing and prayer ministry often includes time talking and praying through any relevant areas of forgiveness, repentance and inviting Jesus to be Lord. It may also include recognising the work of the enemy in our lives and overcoming it in the name of Jesus.

Is it confidential?

Yes. What is confided? Both on the application form and during prayer ministry, will be kept in strictest confidence. We will not release any details to anyone without your written permission.

What are the results?

God works in different ways with different people. For some there is an immediate testimony of significant changes and for others the change is more progressive and continued over months or even years after their Healing Retreat. Nearly everyone testifies to increased faith, strength and hope. For some, deep levels of pain may begin to be touched for the first time, which initially can result in being more aware of the pain, but God never does more than we can cope with. You will receive advice and encouragement about the way forward.

What is the next step after the Healing Retreat?

We recommend committed involvement with a local church and encourage you to receive ongoing pastoral care and ministry wherever this is available and appropriate. Those praying with you will discuss the next step for you and may suggest suitable Training Courses that would be beneficial for you.

What is the Registration amount?

This is a free event. Lunch and tea will be provided.

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