Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11


Prayer Ministry Training

Explore + is the training aspect of Explore.

While Explore A and B look at training and equipping alongside personal reflection and encounter, Explore + is primarily for those who want to now take what they have learnt during Explore and learn more about how to use the keys, insights and teaching to help others.

The aim of Explore + will enable guests to understand at a deeper level how to pray for others; either friends, family members or under the covering of their local church.

The programme will include many practical elements such as group discussions, case studies, Q&A and practical ministry opportunities. There will be time to look again at key concepts covered in Explore A and B but also to introduce some new teaching topics including depression, stress and addictions.


Due to the sensitive nature of our courses we do not allow any children under 18 years into the teaching venues or on any courses. Hence we would request that Children not to be present while the teaching is in progress.

Event Details:

We have not yet scheduled this course on our diary. Will let you know when we do the same. To know more about this course please feel free to contact us at +91-7208717409. Thank you.

*Ellel Ministries is an organisation with the primary purpose of teaching the principles and practice of traditional biblical Christianity.

To show your interest in enrolling for this course please register by clicking HERE

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