You give them something to eat
by David Silvester
Not all of the miracles of Jesus are mentioned in each of the Gospels, but the feeding of the five thousand is one exception. In Matthew, Mark and Luke we read that Jesus says to the disciples, ‘You give them something to eat’.
This instruction perplexed these men. They had already seen Jesus perform miracles, but they still wondered where and how they might obtain enough food to feed so many people. John records that it was Andrew who discovered a lad with five barley loaves and two fish.
We’re not told in detail how the lad came to give his little picnic to Jesus. But what the lad held in his hand was given to the Lord to bless, break up and multiply. It was then given to the disciples to distribute. Everyone had sufficient and after they had all eaten each disciple was left with a full basket.
The disciples, through Andrew, had discovered the food that was going to feed the multitude, but they were at a loss as to how to do it. They could have used these loaves and fish in the same way that Jesus did. He said, ‘You give them something to eat’.
Have we been in situations where Jesus would do something amazing in blessing others, yet we feel powerless to do anything? Do we, at times, fail to recognise the potential of what we have already been given, but need divine inspiration in the way we should use it?
On the other hand, could it be that we are being called to be more observant of the potential of others, who need to be encouraged to bring what they hold on to, and give it to the Lord, so that He can make use of it and bless others?
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and with His power, there’s nothing He asks us to do that we’re unable to do for Him, as we seek to serve Him. We simply need to be observant and keep in touch and in tune with Him.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for calling me to follow You. Please help me to recognise those situations where You want me to serve You in some special way, and enable me to let You use me to do that which blesses others, I pray in Your Name. Amen.
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