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Seeds of the Kingdom

Worship and Intercession

by Ann White

13 October 2017

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And whenever the tormenting spirit from God troubled Saul, David would play the harp. Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would go away.
1 Samuel 16:23, NLT

It is said that worship and intercession go hand in hand. Recently it was an absolute privilege for me to join an Intercessory prayer team being accompanied by a gentle harpist. As the harp was played, our minds were focussed and the Holy Spirit began to lead us into prayer. Quite quickly the atmosphere began to lift, and the intercession flowed. God’s work was accomplished when the group united in fervent prayer.

The Scriptures came alive as the worship and praise brought us close to a glimpse of the heavenly worship described in the last book of the New Testament (Revelation 5:8-14). As we were lifting our banners and ribbons, the presence of God fell, and His Holy Spirit began to teach us once again the importance of intercession. We were indeed joining Jesus, our great Intercessor, to pray for people to receive healing and wholeness.

Dr Derek Prince described the life of Jesus by explaining that Jesus spent thirty years with his family, three and a half years in ministry, continually in communion with the Father, and 2000 plus years interceding on our behalf. That is what He has been doing in heaven since His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven (Hebrews 7:25, and Romans 8:34).

In our Bible reading for today, God used David’s music when the evil spirit came upon Saul. David the shepherd boy from Bethlehem took a harp, and, while he played, Saul was refreshed and felt well again. The Word says simply at the sound of the music the evil spirit departed from him.

In our intercession group, the melodious harp was pivotal in bringing us to a place of intimate communion with God, and enabling us to seek the Lord in a wonderful way, as we were coming against the enemy’s schemes.

We read in 1 Chronicles that King David surrounded the Ark of the Covenant with musicians and singers who were offering up worship and praise to God night and day. Ephesians 5:19 tells us to make music in our hearts to the Lord. If you are gifted, it may well be with a harp, however we can all lift up the name of Jesus with our voices in prayer, praise and thanksgiving.

As Christians, we all have an assignment to pray. In 1 Timothy 2 Paul identifies different kinds of prayer, including intercession. Maybe you could take some time today to consider if God is calling you to be an intercessor? Do you have a desire to worship Him, standing in the gap for others and particular situations?

Prayer: Father God, thank You that You call individuals to intercede for others. Please will You equip them with all they need to persevere in prayer? Amen.

Ann White Following a career in NHS Management, Ann is now serving the Lord as an Associate member of the Ministry Team at Ellel Grange. Along with her husband Andrew she has hosted the 9 week Flagship Programme. She has a heart for marriage ministry and is committed to intercessory prayer. At home she enjoys spending quality time with family and is serving as a Director at her home church.


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