Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was trying for years to quit smoking. I would give up for few days and would get back into the habit. But ever since I walked out of the retreat I haven't smoked and I truly feel redeemed..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

When Jesus Reigns As King

by David Raggett

Lord, be gracious to us; we long for You. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.
Isaiah 33:2, NIV

Isaiah’s one of my favourite books in the Bible, because there’s so much in it about the coming reign of our Lord Jesus on the earth. But we can learn so much in this book for our lives today.

As we submit to the Sovereignty of Jesus in our lives, that is, when we say: “Lord,” and truly allow Him His rightful place, when we really long for Him, we’ll experience His grace and He’ll truly ‘be our strength every morning’. He’ll save us from distress. We’ll experience His power, peace, prosperity and presence. These are some of the results and blessings that flow out as King Jesus reigns (Isaiah 32:15-18).

The truth is that King Jesus reigns on high. He’s the Sovereign of the universe, and heaven is filled with His glory (Isaiah 33:5). One day He’ll be manifested in that glory on this earth, and He’ll reign in Jerusalem, bringing peace and righteousness to our troubled and broken world. That reality can be enjoyed by us personally today as well, when we truly enthrone Him as Lord.

The blessing that will flow out of our submission to Him will bring strength, stability, spiritual prosperity, wisdom and understanding. It’s what we need daily. He’ll be our ‘sure foundation’. He tells us that the key to this storehouse of treasure is the fear of the Lord – a reverence, respect and recognition of His authority and supremacy. This will result in holiness of life for ‘those who walk righteously and speak what is right’, those who keep themselves from corruption and sin (Isaiah 33:15).

Jesus reigns on high but we can enjoy that place of intimacy in His presence, experiencing His bounty and blessing, ‘they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress’ (Isaiah 33:16). In that joyous place of privilege ‘your eyes will see the King in His beauty’. Wow! How we should long and desire such incredible intimacy! Well, submission to Him and a reverential fear of Him is the key to such treasure.

Prayer: Lord, today I humbly bow at Your feet and desire that place of intimacy with You. Show me Your face, Your beauty and glory. I submit myself afresh to You. Amen.

David Raggett has been on the Associate Ministry Team at Ellel Grange for the past seven years. Previously he was in full time Christian ministry involved in preaching, teaching and children's ministry across the UK and in Zambia. His great desire is to see people set free, healed and knowing who they are in Christ.


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