Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
I was trying for years to quit smoking. I would give up for few days and would get back into the habit. But ever since I walked out of the retreat I haven't smoked and I truly feel redeemed..... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

What`s A Bucket Worth?

by Bob Stull

Sir, you don`t have a bucket and the well is deep
John 4:11, CEB

I am reading through the Gospel of John these days, and recently read Chapter four. As you probably know it’s a great chapter with many avenues of faith to explore. What struck me this time, though, was the woman’s comment to Jesus about needing a bucket to give her that living water He had just talked about.

This woman’s nobody’s fool. She’s obviously a sharp cookie who knows how to find a man, as well as work hard to make life happen for her in her village. In talking with Jesus she’s quick to respond that there are two problems with what He’s talking about: first the lack of a bucket, and second a deep well. A little later, when Jesus asks her to go get her husband, she`s quick to say she doesn’t have one. And Jesus is just as quick to point out that she has, so far, got it wrong six times with her choice of men. Little does she know that she’s finally met her `Man` who will be able to satisfy her thirst for spiritual reality, which up to now she`s sought in a succession of worldly relationships.

But, just like the woman, many of us have been, at one time or another, in that place of needing a bucket and water while standing over a very deep well that seemingly had no end to it.

What`s it worth to have a bucket that delivers living water?

There`s no price that can buy one.

There`s no way to make one with enough rope to reach the water of a deep well.

We need the help of someone who can deliver real water, not in a bucket or in the form of natural water, but someone who can give us spiritual water…Living Water…water which means we don`t have to ever thirst again for reality and life.

There`s only one source for that kind of water. Only Jesus can give it to us. And we don’t really need a bucket. No matter how deep and dark the well is that we’re staring at today, Jesus is there to meet our need, if we but call His name and surrender to His presence.

Prayer: Father, when You first created the world, Your Spirit hovered over the waters. Later, when Moses struck the rock, living waters came forth to refresh the people of God. Finally when You led them into the Promised Land, the Jordan River watered the banks of the arid land. In the same river, John the Baptist poured living waters over the head of Jesus and the Spirit descended to proclaim Him Your Beloved Son. At Jacob’s Well, Jesus confided to the Samaritan Woman; ‘If you knew who it is who is speaking to you, you would ask of Him and He would give you living waters to spring up inside you to life everlasting.’ Father, water the arid places of our lives and fulfill the ancient promise of Your Son: ‘If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me,’ as Scripture says, ‘rivers of living water shall flow out from within him’. Amen.

(Adapted from an ancient Christian prayer.)

Bob Stull who, along with his wife Judy, serves on Ellel USA’s Leadership Team. Bob is a retired Anglican clergyman whose passion is to see God’s people healed so they might live in single-minded obedience to Jesus‘ call.


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