Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
In 2017, I was in a severe panic anxiety and physical health issues of spinal injury. I got deliverance in one day attend of counselling through forgiveness. I want to convey my deep heartfelt of joy.... Read More...

Seeds of the Kingdom

These Are Written So That You May Believe

by Tanya Person

22 February 2021

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But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:31, NIV

It is encouraging that the book of John was written to tell us some of what Jesus did while He was on earth. Verse 30 tells us that Jesus did many other signs while on earth. These ones were selected to be recorded to help us believe.

There is so much power in testimony! By hearing, we believe, and through believing we have life.

Jesus is still doing many miraculous things in and through His disciples. In John 14:12, Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father”(NLT).

What has Jesus done in your life? I encourage you to write it down. Share it with others. When we remember what He has done, it increases our faith for the next trial that comes our way.

I have personally seen so many amazing things that God has done, such as miraculous provision when all funds were gone, barren women giving birth to children, people with difficulty walking able to run, those with bent backs being able to stand straight again, a baby with a heart condition healed in the womb, to name the first few that come to mind. And then there are all the emotional and spiritual healings!

Maybe you are thinking, “I want to see those kinds of things.” Let me tell you, if you look for what God is doing and make note of it, you will see these kinds of things and even more.

May God help you to remember the things He has done. As He does, I encourage you to write them down. May your faith increase through this process and may you have the abundant life that God has prepared for you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for all the amazing things that You have done and continue to do. Please help me to remember what You have done and to share it with others. May this all be for Your glory and to help us all to believe, and that by believing we would have life in Your name. Amen.

Tanya Person Tanya and her husband, Jim, were missionaries to Hungary for over 18 years. They have worked with Ellel since 2005. After serving in various positions with Ellel in Central and Eastern Europe, God led them back to the United States, where they are now serving with the Ellel USA team. They have a passion to see leaders restored, the church discipled and walking in God’s fullness of life and freedom, and for mentoring the existing and developing team. Tanya also enjoys crocheting and knitting in her free time and has written some children’s picture books.


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