Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
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Seeds of the Kingdom

The Whole Earth is Full of His Glory

by Derek Puffett

30 September 2011

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And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Isaiah 6:3, NIV

When Isaiah was given a vision from God earlier in Isaiah Chapter 6, the focus was on God’s holiness. When Isaiah saw, ‘the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted’, he became afraid because he’d seen ‘the Lord Almighty’.

How often have I had thoughts which are probably very similar to Isaiah? God is so holy. How could I ever measure up to that? Even thinking about His call to us to be ‘holy’ is frightening. I’m tempted to run away in case I fail.

But God wants us to be holy, just as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16), so we musn't run away from what God wants of us. Reading further in this passage of Scripture I was encouraged to see how God helped Isaiah to get healed of his past. I think the key here is that Isaiah recognised he needed healing, and he couldn’t do it alone. God came alongside and helped Isaiah in that desperate and vulnerable place where he suddenly knew he needed healing.

After Isaiah’s confession and the Lord had healed him, Isaiah immediately volunteered for a job about which God was wondering whom to send. Are you in that place, ready for whatever He wants you to do? If you are it will mean saying, “Yes Lord, I’m ready, send me!” Sometimes, however, you may want to do the will of the Lord but you fail to recognise that He needs to do some healing in your life before you’re released to do His will. In this case are you ready and prepared to say, “Lord, will You heal me?” (James 5:16).
From personal experience I can encourage you not to be afraid. God is right there with you as you prepare yourself to enter that place of His holiness.

Prayer: Father, I so want to be effective in Your Kingdom. I recognise the areas in my life that need healing. Please reveal to me those areas that I’ve buried so deep because I don’t want to look at them or which I’ve even forgotten. Here I am Lord, please heal me. Give me a friend that I can trust to help me through some of these issues. I want to serve You, Lord, in a deeper way that I am doing at the moment. Thank You, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. Amen.

Derek Puffett is the Regional Director of Ellel Ministries, Africa. He was a Pastor for 12 years before joining Ellel in 2000. In 1986 he and his wife Beryl pioneered and established Telefriend, now under the management of Ellel. Telefriend is a South African National Christian telephone care line with an evangelistic emphasis.


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