The Secret Place
by Ken Rowat
The old Testament speaks about a “ City of refuge” for those who need a safe haven because of what they had done. We read in the Psalm 91 that there is an even safer place to run to when we desperately need help.
It is the secret place where God is waiting for us.
As we go through life, there are times when we face overwhelming situations. The loss of a loved one. The loss of a special relationship. The sudden change in health or finances. The list goes on and on. It can be a very lonely place.
In south Africa we have a word that so aptly describes our feelings. It is the word “ Eina “, perhaps the English word “Ouch” would describe the feeling.
I have spoken to people who have walked through this dark place and they often say that people are there for them when the tragedy strikes, but then don’t visit any more because they do not know what to say or how to comfort the them.
These people have told me that they do not necessarily want words of comfort, or advice, they just want the visitor or friend to sit quietly and ‘be there’ “ for them. To show that they care.
The daughter of one of our Associate Team members went to hospital to have baby. The birth of the baby was a time of great rejoicing, then a few days later her daughter died. It was a time of huge loss and turmoil.
God, in His immeasurable goodness, provided a “Secret place” for her to draw aside and process the the pain and heartache that did not make any sense.
It is in this “ Secret place “ that God quietly comforts us. In the stillness of His presence He calms the turbulence of the soul.
WE can all have access to this place. When nothing makes sense except the knowledge that God is with us in our pain and He is somehow in control.
Today, if you need deep comfort go to that “secret place’ knowing that when you need it, God will be there waiting for you.
Prayer: Father, I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. It is comforting to know that no matter what happens from now on, you will be there in that ‘ secret place’ for me to find comfort and strength when I need it. Amen.
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