Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
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Seeds of the Kingdom

The importance of touch

by Jeanne Tate

Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.
Mark 1:41, NIV

Jesus touched the man who had leprosy because of His compassion. His loving touch brought physical healing and probably much more than that.

At teachers’ training college I learnt about the importance of touch in the development of children. A psychological study was done on a baby who was left in her cot and never touched or nurtured in any way. The effect was devastating! Her development was completely stunted.

I have recently returned to teaching as a substitute teacher and have found a dire need in the children for touch. I have seen my hugs, kind words and smiles change the girls I have taught. I have seen sad, surly teenagers begin to smile and laugh again. Yet I’m told that in some countries teachers are allowed no physical contact with their pupils and are even prosecuted for touching them.

Glynnis Whitwer wrote ‘In this world of virtual relationships, conversations managed via electronic devices and fear of inappropriate touch, I wonder if we are losing our physical connections to each other and yet God designed us to need touch. In fact, it is critical to our health - both emotional and physical. Babies need touch for their brains to develop and children need touch for their emotions to develop. I am challenged to bring healthy touch into my relationships in greater measure. Whether it's a hug, pat on the head, stroke on the arm, or a holy kiss, touch is needed in our society’.

The apostle Peter wrote these instructions a long time ago in the Bible ‘Greet one another with a kiss of love’ (1 Peter 5:14).

Prayer: Dear Lord, be with each one of us and those with whom we have contact. Let them feel Your wonderful Holy Love flow through us. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jeanne Tate Jeanne has been married for 27 years and is the mother of 2 adult children. She has been a volunteer at Ellel Ministries South Africa since 2005. She is currently devoting 3 days a week to maintaining the database and assisting the full time team wherever possible. She is busy with Modular School this year.


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