In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being
by Lynda Scott
This time last year our farm was in the grip of one of the worst seasons we`ve ever seen. What was normally lush green pasture for our beef cattle to graze on was completely dry and brown. The creek and springs which normally water the farm and provide drinking water for the livestock had stopped running, and the dams were nearly all dried up. Of course many other farms were affected across our state and our nation, some in even worse situations than us.
So I did what I could do - I wrote a Seed last February (see the Archives), talking about how the weather can get our attention, having severe effects on our lives at times. I mentioned our desperate need for rain, praying that the Lord would provide for our need. The night after the Seed was published I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me that He had heard my prayers and the prayers of the many across the world that were praying for us. Within 36 hours the rain started. In those early weeks we had the most amazing provision of rain that completely transformed our farm. The creek and the springs started to run again and the dams filled. We were met with a rejuvenated pasture returning to green.
But I what I wanted to share with you is that God didn`t just bring the rain for a month and then forget about it. We`ve had the most extraordinary year since then, with rainfall coming consistently across all the seasons. Only God could do that, and I know it`s Him being faithful to answering our prayers. This year we`re facing the best season we`ve ever had. Praise the Lord!
It`s reminded me in an extremely practical way how deeply our heavenly Father does care for us. Then I found today`s scripture in the Book of Acts, which really resonated with my spirit. It`s His desire that we should inhabit the earth. He even determined the times set for us and the exact places where we should live! I find that amazing. It`s in that context that He desires that we seek Him and reach out for Him, right where we are. That is what happened a year ago when we sought Him and reached out for Him with our need for rain. I love how Paul sums it up ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ Those words always make me think of God being like the oil in our engine. Without oil in a car engine that car won`t go anywhere. With Jesus, God is like the oil in our engine, by which we may live and move and have our being.
Did you realise that God has determined the times for you and the exact place where you`re living? Did you know that He longs for you to seek Him and need Him in your world more than you can imagine. Think of the one most pressing needs you have today. Think of something that you know only God Himself could do for you. It may be extremely practical, like needing rain. Let`s lift up our prayers corporately to our heavenly Father. Don`t think only about your own need, but about the needs of your brothers and sisters around the world who`re all crying out to Him also. Let’s pray for a holy outpouring upon each one, knowing that in Him we live and move and have our being.
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, Thank You so much that You care for me and that You determined the times set for me, and even where I should live. Thank You also that You want to be a part of my life in every way and be like the oil in my engine. Today I bring my need to You, something so humanly impossible that I know only You could help with it. I also pray for my brothers and sisters around the world as they lift up their prayers to You. We pray corporately for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, and that You would answer our prayers and transform our lives with Your blessings. And to You we give all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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