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Seeds of the Kingdom


by Bernard Kariuki

12 December 2019

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There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24, NLT

Recently I got the opportunity to share what God had put in my heart with the team at Ellel Grange. I gave them a piece of paper to write down the characteristics they would look for in a friend and their own description of an ideal friend.

Later I asked them to call out what they had written down. Then I asked them if what they had written down describing an ideal friend would be a description of God. And it’s amazing how the things they would look for in a friend do reflect the character of God.
God is our friend and that’s why, when describing an ideal friend, we are pointing out God’s character. He is a genuine and authentic friend, who sticks closer than a brother. He is a friend who will never leave you nor forsake you.

In John 15:12-15, Jesus tells us that He is our friend. And because of that He is open to us, hiding nothing. As friends confide in each other, so Jesus shares with us everything His Father shares with Him. We have a friend in Jesus, and He encourages us to be friends with each other.

Let’s learn from Jesus how to make friends, for He created us for companionship and friends are a source of joy, encouragement, love, sacrifice, discipline. Just as bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33), godly company will build it.
David and Jonathan brought the best out of each other, and together they achieved more than they would on their own. That’s a perfect example of a godly friendship. ‘After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself’ (1 Samuel 18:1).

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for choosing me as Your friend. Help me to become more like You, for the more I become like You, the more I will be a good friend to others. Lord, help me forgive any friends who have hurt me. Will You come and heal any wounds caused by that. Give me the courage to walk away and cut ties from any friendship which is not of You and give me strength to reconcile and mend any broken friendship which You are prompting me to rebuild. Thank You for being my best friend. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Bernard Kariuki is from Kenya, and married to Yulia from Russia. They met in Ellel Ministries and served together for many years at both Ellel Scotland and Ellel Grange. Bernard has the desire to share the Word of God with young people, for he desires to see young people walking in holy fear of the Lord.


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