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Seeds of the Kingdom

Don’t Worry

by John Berry

23 October 2017

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Do not worry about your life..
Matthew 6 :25, NIV

Most of us worry about things at some stage in our life. Maybe it’s the big things like what to eat, where to live and so on, or maybe it’s the everyday issues such as “what’s for lunch?” I know of a family who was facing both the bigger and smaller challenges in their life, and struggling. They were without a permanent home, struggling financially, and uncertain about the future in many ways. One of the pressing issues was where to get their five-year-old daughter into a school, as they had had to relocate from their original home. All the local schools were full and it seemed a bit hopeless for them.

However, people were praying for them, and some kind Christian friends organised temporary accommodation for their immediate future, but the school remained an issue. Out of the blue, they received a letter from the local education office informing them that a place was possible at two local schools, as the classes had been expanded to meet the need in the community. As I write, the process is going through to make the offer a reality.

As I reflected on this, I realised that God had indeed answered prayer in this matter. There was no other way that the problem would be resolved. Through this God-solution, the family were given hope for their other problems to find God-given answers. The worry was lessened as the truth of Matthew 6:25-34 became a reality for them.

When we learn to take God at His word and trust Him, surprising answers can come into being. Yet, even though we know the Scriptures, it is easy for us to slip into ‘worry mode’. We are permitted to be concerned, but we are encouraged not to be anxious or to worry. It’s all about how much we trust that God is interested in the everyday things of our lives, and has a plan and purpose for us. It’s not a matter of false self-confidence, but of true faith and hope in Jesus.

Whether you’re facing some of those big challenges in your life, or whether it’s the cares of this life – your clothing, food and normal provision – that are weighing you down, why not decide to trust God to come through with His solutions? Seeking first His Kingdom answers is God’s instruction to us, after all.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as much as we try not to, we often find ourselves worrying about things in our lives. We’re sorry for disregarding Your Word and trying to find our own solutions, when You’ve told us to look for Your Kingdom answers. Please help us to wait patiently for Your provision, and to be thankful when the answers come. Amen.

John Berry entered the Baptist Ministry more than 40 years ago, and joined the Team at Ellel Glyndley Manor in 2007 with his wife Jennie. They have both now retired from the team but remain as part of the Teaching and Associate Ministry Teams at Glyndley. John and Jennie have seven Grandchildren.


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