Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
TESTIMONIESfor Seeds of the Kingdom
When I am so down I always go back to Seeds of the Kingdom. It's my food for the soul. .... Read More...
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Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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25 July 2024

The Importance of Waiting


David was a young man whose life changed overnight after an encounter with a priest from the Lord. David was used to the fields, to watching over sheep, and going on long walks under the sun, moon, and stars. The idea of becoming a king one day was something that he probably never thought of, dreamed...

24 July 2024

I Found My Joy

by Jim Person

Sometimes I find myself in a place where my busyness has kept me from my Bible reading plan. We should never become too busy and neglect this valuable and much needed time for our spiritual journey. It is good to frequently weigh ourselves on the scale of God’s word. It might show us that we are wanting,...

23 July 2024

To Be

by Christel Baxter

In my final year at school we had to read Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ as one of our English literature books. ‘To be, or not to be...’ is the opening phrase of a soliloquy of Hamlet in this play. He was referring to whether it is better to live or to die. But for me the words, ‘to be’ are significant...

22 July 2024

Who Created Fun?

by Peter Brokaar

Most people will know the famous opening line of the Bible ‘In the beginning God created’. We’re told that God made everything, both the seen and the unseen, both the heavens and the earth, as well as everything in them. Life, as we know it, is a reflection of God’s nature and character and provides...

21 July 2024

You Have A Story

by Annalene Holtzhausen

Jesus’ baptism by John in Matthew 3, ends with a profound moment when God spoke over His Son, stating: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (verse 17). When reading this verse, I came to the realization that God didn’t need to do this for Jesus’ sake, because He knows who He...

20 July 2024

Raging Storms

by Liz Griffin

David is in a time of deep trouble and crisis, with King Saul is chasing after him to kill him. But he knows what to do. He cries out to his God and runs to Him for shelter and protection. ‘Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful, because I come to you for safety. In the shadow of your wings I find protection...

19 July 2024

An Act of Love Remembered

by Philip Asselin

By piecing together the gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, and John, we discover that this woman is Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Her actions caused a significant amount of extremely pungent and expensive perfume to cascade over the head and shoulders of Jesus, and she also anointed His feet...

18 July 2024

Hope Is a Sure Thing

by Annalene Holtzhausen

What does the word ‘hope” mean to you? Many of us understand hope as something vague that might happen. In our human understanding it may well be something we consider possible, but not necessarily a definite thing. We hope for things to get better or change for the good, for example to hope for...

17 July 2024


by Bernard Kariuki

Walking with the Lord requires one to be bold. Throughout the Bible we see the people God chose had to be bold in their walk with Him. Whether He was calling them to strike a giant with a stone, face a vast army with just three hundred on their side, or be still when their enemy was behind them and the...

16 July 2024

I Surrender All

by Margaret Silvester

‘All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live. I surrender all, I surrender all, all to Thee my blessed Master, I surrender all’. Many of us have heartily sung these word countless times, but living in their reality may be very different....

Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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