Sponsor a Student
We would like to open the doors of our longer-term programmes to pastors and leaders from developing nations who would then be able to minister to people and train others in their own country. Very few of them can afford to take up these in-depth training opportunities. But those who invest in the lives of such leaders by sponsoring them to receive this vital training and equipping for their ministries do make this possible. Sponsors can be individuals, families, churches, cell groups or organisations - so you don't have to do it alone!
In order to be considered for sponsorship, potential students must be recommended by a trusted organisation or individual, be in a church leadership position and have a clear vision to take what they learn back to their country and their people.
- To sponsor a student please contact the centre which holds the training course you would like to support.
Testimonies from former Sponsored Students...
Cecilia from South Africa on the NETS Programme...
"I had been crying out to God to equip me to help my people. But God showed me that cords were holding me back in my personal life and need pruning. I received healing from rejection and education through NETS. I am now healed, equipped and am in position to go back to my people and help them, give them what I have received, so they can be free and receive healing too. I am so changed I wonder if my husband will recognize me."
Students from the Flagship Programme...
"I praise God for making it possible for me to attend the Flagship Programme. Truly it was an amazing, life changing experience into my body, soul and spirit and most importantly my past experience which majorly damaged my present and undoubtedly my future. God was showing in every session how much He loves me and how gracious His touch over my life has been. I received healing in my innermost being as I got in touch with my emotions hidden for a long time."
"God worked in my life, I was deeply aware of the many people in Africa that are living in all manner of bondage with very wounded lives. It’s my prayer that God will continue to work in my life and use me to take this message, healing and freedom to Africa."
"I can say that after this 9 weeks I feel more rooted and stronger in the Lord and I got great tools so that I can go and again advance His kingdom."