Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Trust or worry – you can choose!

by Tamas Kovacs

29 September 2009

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Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and your thoughts will also be.
Matthew 6:21 NLT

What kind of relationship do you have with your wallet? Do you look at it as your provider or as an instrument of blessing in the hand of God?

Lately, God had confronted me in this area. I tend to pinch, literally, every penny, looking for ways to save as much money as I can! I was anxious if I thought I didn’t have enough for the month.

But God confronted me: “Do you think that I’m unable to provide? Just let me into you wallet and watch what I will do – even for you!”

Ultimately God wants our whole, undivided heart. If he finds that money is taking some or all of it he will ask us to lay it down for our own good. Anxiety and fear attaches itself to our heart if we trust in what we have and what we can earn and don’t trust in God to provide.

God is calling us to give Him our whole heart - and our money, or the lack of it, cannot be the one thing hindering this. He wants to give us a much better life and it comes by delighting in Him instead of worrying, then we will have a real peace and joy in our hearts.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, please forgive me for trusting in what I can see and what I can have - instead of You. I give my whole heart to You now. Please be Lord over my wallet and I give my fears and my anxieties to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Tamas Kovacs has been a part of the Ellel work in Hungary since the early 1990s. He joined the staff full-time in 1999, and became the director of the Hungarian centre in 2006. He and his wife lead the work in Hungary, and have a real passion to see the kingdom of God made evident in the local churches.


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