Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

The Voice of Truth

by Tracey Smith

14 September 2024

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Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32, NIV

Recently I was putting together a workshop on worship and looked through my praise playlist as my first source of inspiration. What songs could I choose that would be inspiring to other people in the way I had been inspired? We are all so different and different things touch different people.

Many years ago, I saw a Christian movie made by the Kendrick Brothers called Facing the Giants. It told the story of a high school football team with a poor track record and how faith in what God could do was the catalyst to turn things around – not just in the fortunes of the team but in the lives of the entire community. It quickly became a family favourite and certainly spoke to my enjoyment of movies with sporting storylines. I was first introduced to the Casting Crowns song, Voice of Truth in the end credits, and it provided an inspiring summary of the ‘giants’ faced throughout the story and the difference that could be made when choosing between believing lies or truth.

We all know how many competing voices we have in this world, vying for our attention. Whether it’s people we know or those more removed, those in the public eye or inhabiting the spheres of social media, entertainment or sport, everyone has an opinion and seemingly feels free to express it.

Just as prevalent – perhaps even more so – is our own internal dialogue. We know from experience here at Ellel Ministries that this voice can often be the loudest - negative, destructive, stuck in unfavourable comparisons with others – or all of the above.

When there can be so many voices devoid of truth, have you ever stopped to think:

What is the truth I am listening to?

In Voice of Truth, the writer wishes he had the courage of Peter to step out on the waves, or of David to fight the giant Goliath with just a sling and a stone – but he has been swayed by negative voices telling him he’s a failure or will never win – so he’s tempted to not even try.

But the voice of truth tells him a different story – and that changes everything.

How often do you stop and ask God to give you His perspective on a tough situation you find yourself in? If you are having a crisis of confidence, do you ask Him what He would say to you?

Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth.

It is a choice. Who will you choose to listen to today?

Tracey Smith Tracey and her husband Cameron have been involved with Ellel since 2003, when Tracey did a Healing Retreat. They both did NETS in 2004 and both have served on the Associate Ministry Team at Ellel Sydney since 2005, moving onto base to serve fulltime in 2011. Tracey’s passions are communications and creativity, and seeing God move in both to bring healing to His people.


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