Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

“Lord, If It’s Really You, Tell Me to Come”

by Bernard Kariuki

Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.
Matthew 14:28, NIV

From today’s text we can see Peter really needed to know he was not just getting one of his good ideas, or being carried away by excitement, but it truly was the Lord appearing to him. He didn’t want to risk taking any step without being confident that it was Jesus there. So, he waited for Jesus to call to him before he made any move.

In the Old Testament, King David didn’t do things based on experiences he had had in the past. He knew each day was a new day. Each battle was a new battle. So, he didn’t want to rely on yesterday’s anointing and yesterday’s strategy. He always enquired of the Lord.

Before we make a move, we need to really check whether it is God’s will for us. The risk is we might decide what to do, and only ask the Lord afterwards. But sometimes we can be too scared to check with the Father whether it’s His will before we start something, for fear of Him saying, “No”. That’s because everything within us just wants to pursue our plans.

No matter how much we want to try a new experience, however exciting or interesting it might seem, we had better not leave the boat if He hasn’t said, “Come”. It’s far better to become like Moses and say, “God I’m not moving, if you are not with me.”

Jesus called Peter to come, and at that moment Peter knew without a doubt it was Jesus and that it was His voice. So, without hesitation, without rationalising or focussing on the circumstances that surrounded him, he made a move. The voice of the One who called him rose above the dangers.

We need to be able to distinguish the voice of God calling us amidst the waves, storms, and distractions. We need to spend time with Him to know beyond a doubt, and in spite of all the noise, that it is Him. We need to know it is His voice speaking to us.

The next step is to fix our eyes on the One who called us rather than the situation at hand. When He says, “Come”, we shouldn’t start looking for the paths that makes sense to us. We should just obey, and the waters will either part to make way for us, or the waters will be the path He is calling us to. The circumstances won’t be a barrier, but a platform to where God wants to take us.

Circumstances can swallow us up or drown us, if we shift our gaze from God to the storms of life. But our God is merciful and gentle. He does not condemn us in our lowest moment. Instead, He reaches out to us when we cry out to Him.

If you find yourself sinking, don’t forget He is there. He is there to carry you through, not to judge you. Call out to Him.

Bernard Kariuki is from Kenya, and married to Yulia from Russia. They met in Ellel Ministries and served together for many years at both Ellel Scotland and Ellel Grange. Bernard has the desire to share the Word of God with young people, for he desires to see young people walking in holy fear of the Lord.


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