Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Impossible for God

by David Cross

The angel of the LORD went from Gilgal to Bochim and said to the Israelites, I took you out of Egypt and brought you to the land that I promised to your ancestors. I said, 'I will never break my covenant with you’.”
Judges 2:1, NIV

We often quote scripture, saying something like, ‘For with God, nothing shall be impossible.’ But there needs to be a caveat on that statement, for it is completely impossible for Father God to break any covenant that He has made with His children.

He cannot back out of His covenant promise made to Noah that He would never again flood the earth to destroy all flesh.

He cannot break His covenant promise to Abraham that He would give to his descendants the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, a promise repeated to his son Isaac and grandson Jacob.

God could not rescind the covenant terms of the Ten Commandments given to Moses.

Once God has made a covenant promise, He is bound to fulfil it. But sadly, mankind has shown himself to be a serial covenant breaker, so God chose to make one final covenant through a perfect representative of Himself and a perfect representative of mankind.

The New Covenant, sealed through the blood of Jesus at the cross, is a promise of forgiveness to everyone who receives Jesus as fully representing them at that covenant moment between God and man. In receiving Jesus today, we become part of God’s family, His children, permanently reconciled with Him no matter what we have done. And God cannot break this covenant promise.

In this otherwise fickle world, what a precious place of certainty and confidence we can have in this fact of His unwavering faithfulness.

David Cross David is part of the Executive Leadership of Ellel Ministries, with particular responsibility for the Ellel centres in Western Europe. He is married to Denise and they have three grown up children and eight grandchildren. David has been a civil engineer and ski-touring instructor in the Highlands of Scotland. He is passionate about the teaching and practice of the healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus and has written several books: Soul Ties, Trapped by Control, God’s Covering, The Dangers of Alternative Ways to Healing(co-authored with John Berry), an A to Z Guide to the Healing Ministry, What`s Wrong with Human Rights? and, most recently, God`s Way out of Depression. You can follow a daily thought from David on Twitter: @dmcross62


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