Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

For Such a Time as This

by Gilly Mathiesen

27 January 2025

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“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14, ESV

Esther was born and called for such a time where the Jewish people were at risk of being annihilated, during the reign of king Xerxes. Due to her beauty and wisdom, she was chosen by the king to become his new Queen. We don’t know what happened to Esther’s parents, but after they had died, her older cousin Mordecai took her under his wing as a daughter and mentored her.

It is estimated that the king ruled over 2.1 million square miles of land comprising of over 127 provinces stretching from India to Ethiopia. Esther was the only Jew at that time who could have stopped the fate of her people when an edict was issued in order to kill Jews in the Persian kingdom. She risked death by approaching the king to plead on her people’s behalf. He granted her what she asked, and the Jews throughout all the provinces were spared. The Jewish celebration of Purim celebrates the bravery of Esther and Mordecai, and the deliverance of the Jewish people from certain death.

Now I want to encourage you to consider what the Lord is saying to you ‘for such a time as this’.  He has a plan for your life, and even you being alive right here, right now, is part of His plan, just as it was for Esther. The family you were born into, albeit dysfunctional, the town or towns where you grew up, and the personality you have, are all part of His plan. You may struggle to believe that, but nonetheless, it is the truth.

Imagine the start Jesus had with His earthly family. He was born to a young girl who, in others’ eyes, had conceived out of wedlock. Then Joseph, His earthly ‘father’, was going to quietly divorce His mother, after finding out about her pregnancy (until the Lord showed him that it had been a supernatural event). They then had to flee to Egypt because of Herod wanting to kill Jesus. It appears Joseph died some time before Jesus was thirty years old, and so it continues.

It is interesting to note that you and I were placed on this earth at the exact time of the Lord’s choosing, with a plan for us to seek Him and find Him. ‘And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories. This was so that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grasp for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us’ (Acts 17:26-27).  

Today, I encourage you to thank the Lord for your life, your family of origin, and His great plans with your life ‘for such a time as this’.

Gilly Mathiesen Gilly has a heart to see broken lives healed. She got involved in Christian ministry at a young age, working as a missionary for some years, as well as teaching at a Christian school. She has been involved with Ellel Ministries for the past 10 years and trained and worked on the team in Northern Ireland before moving to Denmark in 2016. She and her husband Steen have been pioneering an Ellel work there since early 2018. They long to see people healed and set free to be all that God has designed them to be.


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