Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

Seeds of the Kingdom

Am I too Big in My own Eyes?


“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.”
Luke 12:32, NIV

In Luke 12.32, we read that Jesus described us as his “little flock”. His perspective is that we are His little ones, his children. Some time ago, I was lying awake praying about a serious political situation I had just heard about on the news. Whilst praying, I was surprised to sense God speaking the words “Little Lynne” into my spirit, communicated with great affection, and also a little amusement, it seemed to me. I suddenly realised that I had been praying as if this political situation was my sole responsibility to sort out; as if no other person would be involved in helping solve it, and as if God Himself was not involved either! God’s gentle whisper quickly alerted me to my wrong perspective.

The words “Little Lynne” meant a lot to me when they were whispered into my spirit. They reminded me of the time when, as a young child, my house was in a row of council houses, where a few children of similar age lived. Two doors along from our house lived an older, taller girl who was also called Lynne. To the kids in this block, I was always called “Little Lynne” to make a distinction between us. These were good times, and this former nickname of mine is a warm and happy memory. The words “Little Lynne" had not been spoken out to me for many, many years, and it was a certainly a surprise to hear them in my spirit from God! He used a kind and precious way to get my attention.

To God we are always children, although sometimes we forget who we are in relation to His power and kingship.


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