"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11



I recently attended the Inner healing weekend at Ellel. God showed me the wrong labels I had been believing about myself. I drew these labels on a piece of paper then underneath I drew labels with words He would speak to me. I am His beloved daughter. Worth spending time with. Even cute and cuddly! Walking outside I asked Him what He would say to me. Right then a bird flew across the sky and it was chirping. I felt Him say, “I would sing songs over you”. Then I looked at the different flowers and felt Him say “and I would put a flower in your hair”. This really spoke to me as when I was a young child Mum cut my hair short as I didn’t look after it. It was very matty and full of knots. I wore a cap to school, embarrassed with my haircut. My teacher was very kind to me. I think she knew how I was feeling. How beautiful is our Heavenly Father to speak words that heal, words that touch the heart and bring life in such a personal way.