"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11
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Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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4 February 2025

Where Do You Keep Your Bible?

by Richard Griffiths

This is quite an undertaking! Literally it says, ‘I will guard and obey everything You say perpetually, always, forever’. I’ve got a family bible given to her children by my great-great grandmother in 1867. I greatly value it, but I never read it. It sits in a safe place on my bookshelves. Next...

3 February 2025

A Season for All Things

by Annalene Holtzhausen

Worried and bothered and anxious - I’m sure many of us can relate to these feelings and emotions. Sometimes we cannot even pinpoint why we are so bothered or anxious and just keep going whilst being irritable and easily frustrated. In Mark 10:46-52, we read about Jesus restoring blind Bartimaeus’...

2 February 2025

A Man with Faith

by Sue Griffiths

Jesus is surrounded by a huge crowd. And into this melee comes a synagogue ruler, a man on a mission. He kneels at Jesus’ feet and says quite simply, “My daughter has just died. But come and put Your hand upon her and she will live.”  He has come straight to Jesus. (Matthew 9:18). And Jesus goes...

1 February 2025

Fulfilling Your Mission

by Philip Asselin

This is a very well-known verse. It is the mission statement for the Church and for every believer, to spread the good news of the gospel to all creation. It isn’t reserved for evangelists, for those who have been Christians for many years, or for ministers and church leaders. It is for everyone from...

31 January 2025

In Need of a Friend?


One of the deepest pains we can experience is that of being a disappointment. For some, this pattern begins in childhood. For others, it derails them later in life. Now, facing reality, they feel the deep shame of knowing that they have disappointed those whom they have loved and who have depended on...

30 January 2025

Claiming the Moral High Ground

by David Cross

We live in an age of social media where many seek to claim the moral high ground with regard to some trending issue of apparent injustice. I suggest that, for some of us, such a position can be an effective, even if an unconscious way, of not having to face our own sinful life-choices. Jesus tells us...

29 January 2025

Less is More

by Tracy Bankuti

I recently heard it said, “humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” When an empty bottle gets filled with water, the natural result is less air in the vessel. Similarly, in our Father’s Kingdom, a decrease of ‘self’ will always be preceded by an increase...

28 January 2025


by Christel Baxter

Fruit is generally seasonal. Certain fruit are more readily available and cheaper in the different seasons of the year at my local grocer. I did a little research and found that some fruit thrive in really cold temperatures, while others do well in very hot climates. Figs, for example are one of the...

27 January 2025

For Such a Time as This

by Gilly Mathiesen

Esther was born and called for such a time where the Jewish people were at risk of being annihilated, during the reign of king Xerxes. Due to her beauty and wisdom, she was chosen by the king to become his new Queen. We don’t know what happened to Esther’s parents, but after they had died, her older...

26 January 2025


by Ron Scurfield

Have you ever been stuck in a lift? It will go neither up nor down. None of the controls work and you’re in complete darkness. There is silence. Motionless and suspended in space, you are trapped and helpless. Panic sets in. It may feel this way when we are walking through personal difficulties, as...

Seeds of the Kingdom - Devotional Archive

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