"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11

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Words that heal, words that touch the heart and bring life in such a personal way.


Mijn strijd, gedurende mijn hele leven, is dat ik me altijd onzeker en afgewezen voelde...


The Lord set me free from fear. For the first time I poured out all the emotions that I had bottled up.


This place is so filled with God's presence and each guest is treated with such love and compassion by all the staff. I actually did not want to leave


De dicipel school, de lering van gods Geest heeft vertrouwen gegeven Hem leren kennen wie Hij is en wat Hij is ,Hij is onze Maker!


It's like a new stage of my life


Let them go and let it out


It's OK to be angry

Clare S

I went to the holiday week at Ellel Grange and had a very peaceful and lovely time. I felt so connected to the Christian fellowship


Healing takes time and time out on this holiday was just the perfect medicine. So glad we came away to 'be' at Ellel Grange. Thank you all who made it possible and served us so beautifully.

Testimony Browser

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Affichage des résultats de l’exposition de 'dispStart' à 'dispFinish' des résultats de 'listLength'