Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11

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Ministry Team School Report

When people from the northern states head down to Florida in May, it is usually to enjoy the beaches and relax in the balmy sunshine. Crowds head in from the north to enjoy Disney, visit Daytona and float in the Gulf of Mexico! It takes a certain sort of person with a certain sort of heart for the Lord to trek on down across the country to Florida, taking a week off work, to not be distracted by the “Vacation State” and come only to attend Ellel USA’s Ministry Team Training School! We think people like that deserve a medal!!

Ellel’s Ministry Team Training School is pretty intense! Endless hours resting on the sunbed are replaced with very detailed and comprehensive teaching on just how we go about actually praying for people in need. It is a very practical school with many question and answer times, group discussions and practical experience praying and ministering to each other under the safe covering of Ellel. The teaching takes the keys for healing and deliverance that the Lord has put into Ellel and systematically works through explaining exactly what they are, how a person is affected by these things and how to pray and minister the Lord’s healing to them. We cover many subjects including deliverance, the human spirit, emotions, rejection, fear, generational sin, addictions to name just a few!

"This school has revolutionized my understanding of God's power in our lives and brought me closer to Him. It has given me hope, vision and many wonderful tools for our ministry."

We run this School at least once a year and it is a firm team favourite!! During the week we have time to spend with the guests in a way that just can’t be duplicated on a one day event. It is always wonderful to see new friendships develop and to see how the Lord moves in the lives of those who come. The same people who are coming primarily to learn for others, the Lord touches and impacts their lives too!!  

This past Ministry Team School was one that we will always remember. The testimony time at the end of the School was outstanding. Each person shared how much the Lord had ministered in their own life and how so many different aspects of the week had been significant to them. It is moving to hear and exciting to think of the seeds sown into the lives of those few people who gave up a week in the Florida sun to know more about the Lord and His heart to heal. It makes you think the Lord must delight in people just like them who will give sacrificially of their own time and finances to simply learn how to help others and pray more effectively for them. We know that the seeds that were sown last week are eternal – we know that not because of Ellel USA’s ability but because of the faithful character of the God we serve!

If you weren't able to attend this school and would be interested in being a part of a future event make sure you sign up for our e-newsletters. That way you'll know all that is going on here at Ellel USA. You can also click here to find out more about the school.


The Ministry Team Training School Students - May 2013