Jesus welcomed the people, taught them about the Kingdom of God and healed those in need. Luke 9:11
All the teaching was exactly what I I read and listened to Peter's teachings, the Holy Spirit released me from that oppression.. I have realized that prayer is the key..the results of answers to prayer began almost immediately .... Read More...

About The Team

The Team

At the various centers around the world there are over 300 full-time team members of varying ages and backgrounds. All have responded to the call of God on their lives to serve Him through Ellel Ministries and have a heart to see God restore and bring healing to those who come on our events, and to see them equipped to walk into their God-given destiny.

There is also a volunteer team of over 400 around the world who faithfully serve with us, both in practical ways and by ministering to those in need on our various events.

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If you are interested in serving with Ellel Ministries please contact your nearest center or follow the links below...