Year of Discipleship for Young People
Meet our team:
Visit us on an Orientation Day or make a personal appointment
Reasons to join!
Want to go into a deeper relationship with Father God? Discover and overcome blockages in your life with Him? And learn from Jesus about healing and deliverance? Then join FLOURISH!, a challenging Year of Discipleship for young people with Ellel Ministries Netherlands. It’s a full-time year of living, serving and learning at our beautifully located centre at the Baak Estate. Practically, you will serve people who need restoration and those who want training. You will be a student on the first year of our School. With personal coaching you will work on your growth in wholeness, character and discipleship. Flourish in Jesus!
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him. John 14:6
Is it for me?
The new FLOURISH! program is a challenging gap year opportunity for young people aged 18-25. For those who want to give a year of their life to be trained as disciples of Jesus and to serve God at our centre in the Netherlands. It can also be the start of a longer relationship with our worldwide ministry.
People can come from the Netherlands and the European Union. Possibly also from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea and Argentina on the Working Holiday Program. Contact us at flourish@ellel.nl if this might apply to you.
God's heart for you: Flourish in Jesus!
Flourishing People! That is the vision God put on our hearts for this Year and for people visiting and working on our centre. Generations that flourish together in Jesus. FLOURISH! aims to take you on our journey with Jesus in His work of restoration, healing, deliverance and discipleship. To grow with us into a strong relationship with Jesus. And to grow and flourish in your God-given identity and purpose.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Eph.3:17-18
Aims of the challenge
Dedicating yourself for a year to FLOURISH! is a challenge to:
- grow in knowing God and who you are in Jesus: working on your foundation in Him
- overcome wounds and (character) blockages and grow in wholeness and healthy relationships
- learn to practically serve in an international environment with different generations and backgrounds
- discern more of God's destiny and direction for your life
Program in a nutshell
Ellel Ministries centres around the world work on the basis of LUKE 9:11: “Jesus welcomed them (the crowds) and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.” In the Netherlands we offer a Year of Discipleship for young people that will focus on: LIVING with our team on the historical Baak Estate, just south of Zutphen. SERVING to offer a warm welcome to people who are looking for restoration and training. You gain experience in different tasks like hosting, catering, maintenance, audio-visual, music team etc. LEARNING on EXPLORE our School for Restoration, Healing and Discipleship. Joining the Young People Program with personal coaching, outreach in Europe and opportunities for a Healing Retreat and personal ministry. Discovering more about yourself and your true identity and destiny in Christ. Grow in social, spiritual and practical skills.
A year of living, serving and learning
You will live with the Ellel team on our our centre in the Netherlands and join in the practical activities and EXPLORE School of our ministry. You will also go through a group and personal discipleship program with a small team of young people. To give you some perspective of what this will be like, we have listed some of the main things below:
Living & learning
- Full board and lodging on the Baak Estate
- Men’s or ladies’ room with 2 – 4 young people
- Meals, team times and activities with Ellel Team
- Fun, fellowship & outings as young people
- Opportunities to join Christian 18+ group & Sunday service in Zutphen
Serving & learning
- Give a warm welcome to guests & other volunteers by:
- hosting guests, household, catering
- gardening, home maintenance
- audio-visual, worship team, other creativity in Schools
- office work
- Receive mentoring on the task by experienced team
- Work on small FLOURISH! projects to learn to share and cooperate
Ministry & learning
- Personal coaching
- Personal time with God including
- Bible & book reading
- Day Journal, reflection, assignments
- First year of EXPLORE School for Restoration, Healing and Discipleship (certificate Explore A)
- Healing Retreat and optional personal ministry
- Additional weekly discipleship sessions
- Teaching, workshops, creativity, share live stories
- Worship, communion, intercession
- Teaching materials & books from Ellel authors, B. Gordon’s ‘The Foundations of Christian Living’, others
- Outreach in Europe!
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him. Ps. 92:12-15
Personal coaching
An important part of FLOURISH! is individual coaching and mentoring. Everyone joining the program has a personal coach. The coach will focus with you on your wellbeing and personal development throughout the year of discipleship. This includes initial assessment, evaluations and preview for the following year. On practical tasks you will be mentored by an experienced team member. The mentors will help you find your way and grow in skills and responsibilities.
Want to know more?!
Find out about data, costs, Orientation Days, how to apply & download Flyer
Questions? Contact us at flourish@ellel.nl or call our centre.
We look forward to taking you on the journey!