"Jésus les accueillit, il leur parlait du royaume de Dieu et il guérissait ceux qui en avaient besoin." Luc 9:11

Prayer Support Groups

Prayer Support Groups

There are many other towns and cities worldwide where those with a heart to intercede for Ellel Ministries meet to join together in prayer for this work. We would love to see these prayermeetings start at our Baak centre or at other places in the Netherlands too. If you have a heart for this please contact contact us
No prayer support groups are currently scheduled

Prayer Points Ellel Netherlands


Update for December 2019 - January 2020

Thanks & Praise Points:

  • Praise God for carrying us through the transition into EXPLORE, the translation, production of booklets etc.
  • Praise God for 41 school students, and for the extra delegates, on EXPLORE, our largest A group so far.
  • Praise God for new hot water boilers in the main house and now also in the accommodation building.
  • Praise God for good connections with Youth for Christ and Ebenezer using our facilities for their conferences.
  • Praise God for our faithful translator and all involved in the work for EXPLORE.

Prayer points:

  • Please pray for protection, healing and rest for the team, particularly for those experiencing physical issues.
  • Pray for more ministry team and volunteers to join us more often, especially as we currently have a smaller in-house team. Especially pray for a catering supervisor to join the team.
  • Pray that we find new ways to get the required work done, so we can lift the strain on the team.
  • Pray for the continuing work of translating and production for the new EXPLORE schools.
  • Pray that our Flourish YPTs and team continue to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s plans and purposes for us as individuals and as a team.

“Something fundamental happened this weekend. I grew up without a father. He was absent even when he was there. He didn’t do anything with me. My parents did not have a good marriage, mother was often sick. I was the middle of three children, isolated, and my siblings took things out on me…. I took care of myself. A friend always prayed for me, ‘Abba, father’. It wasn’t comfortable for me but I longed to belong. My father worked hard and tried to please his wife. Today God reminded me of things and I realised how wonderful it was that on his work trips, my father always brought me a gift. When I was baptised, only my father came, he brought me flowers, he taught my oldest child checkers. He was with me in a very difficult time. My mother was angry with me, but my father embraced me. I have gained my heavenly Father, and I have re-gained my earthly father.” – Delegate, ‘Knowing God’.